Cant View Custom Basemap on Survey123 Web App

08-15-2018 01:51 PM
Occasional Contributor

Want to include my custom basemap in Survey123.

My process:

-Created a .tpk using ArcPro

-added this into my media folder locally

-published the survey using Survey123 Connect

-opened the survey using the web app.

Upon firing up the Survey123 web app I can't see my custom basemap. It was set up using the settings in Survey123 Connect

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14 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Kirk,

The webform does not use the .info file settings for specifying a tile layer.  You should include the the tile layer as a basemap layer in a web map and then share teh web map with your organization's basemap group to make it selectable for the web form.

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Emerging Contributor

James, thank you for your quick response. I didn't think about trying this approach. I was able to set the basemap as an organizational basemap where the option exists within Survey123's web tool to use my custom basemap. However, the option does not exist within Connect for ArcGIS. If I publish a survey from the web tool and set my custom basemap, download the survey to configure in connect, the basemap resets to the generic topo. I need to be able to customize the form and have the basemap displayed in the web form. The intent is to only have the survey available via web form with no offline capabilities. 

Thank you,


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Regular Contributor

Hi Kirk,

I am having the same issue but with the geocoder. A custom geocoder can only be accessed in the webform if a organisation user is logged in but not available to public facing surveys (as far as I know and correct me if i'm wrong). I think this stuff is on the road map of future releases.



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Emerging Contributor

Hey Simon,

I was actually able to get my custom basemap to display within the web form following James' directions more closely. My issue revolved around not having the basemap set up correctly as an organizational basemap (i.e. shared with the basemap group & made public). I would suspect something similar in your case - Maybe ensure that the geocoder is configured properly within your organizations utility services and that the geocoding service is shared publicly.

Thank you,


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Regular Contributor

Did you publish you survey in connect on on survey123 web

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