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Can I have an image from one image question default as the background for an annotation question in Survey123?

01-08-2019 04:28 AM
Occasional Contributor II


In a survey I'm currently putting together our users need the ability to annotate a photo they have taken but they would also like to retain the original image. At the moment it seems that in an annotation question only the annotated photo is saved. I thought I could get round this by having a separate photo and annotation question where the original photo defaults as the background for the annotation question but don't know if this is possible? I'm assuming not as is it the case that any image for annotation needs to come from the media folder?

As a workaround I was hoping that the user could simply select the taken image for their background in the annotation question but when selecting the folder it defaults to the photo album and the image is stored in the Survey123 Attachments folder. Is there a way to allow the user access to this folder when selecting the folder option in an image question?



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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Anthony,

Currently, this workflow is best supported by taking a photo in another camera application, and then loading it via the photo browser.  Thanks for providing this scenario- I've made a note to look how Survey123 could better support this workflow in the future.

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Occasional Contributor II

Thanks for the quick response James. Do you know if it's possible to launch the camera on an android device from survey123 using the custom url scheme? I know it's not a big ask to get people to take photos outside the Survey123 app but a prompt may smooth the workflow.



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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Anthony,

On Android specifically, we will support browsing the survey attachments in the next release.  As for launching a camera app in Android, that would depend on the camera app having a URL scheme; however, I'm not seeing much information in searching for this, so likely not.

Occasional Contributor II

Thanks James, the ability to browse survey attachments will be extremely useful. Again, I appreciate the quick response.



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