is it possible in ArcGIS Survey123 web designer to create a calculation based on Yes and No values entered in something like a Single select type question. The Yes values would have a value of 1 and No values 0. I would like to add these up and perform a total score. Below is a mock up which hopefully helps.
I would accomplish this one of two ways
Solution one:
When creating the choice list for the the questions use the 1 and 0 in the name column but leave the Labels as Yes and No. So your user will see yes and no as the choices but the form will record 1 or 0. This is OK if you aren't planning to do anything else with the data in the future.
Solution 2:
If you want to preserve the yes and no values in your table you could put a hidden item below each Question and calculate a value (1 or 0) based on the previous answer. You would do this by using a the putting an if statement in the calculation field
Something like if(${PreviousQuestion}='Yes',1,0)
With either solution you would then be able to use the calculate field to calculate the total score.
Thanks @ChristopherMcClain I feel Solution 2 would be too time consuming as there are probably over 30 Yes/No questions.
With regards to Solution 1 what type of question are you using that would allow 1 and 0 in the name column but leave the Labels as Yes and No
Thank you
The question type would be select_one list. On the choice tab you can either modify the existing yes no choices by changing the value in the name column to 1 for yes and 0 for no, otherwise you could just create a new entry with the same values (depending if you will have other Yes/No questions in your survey that you don't want to do math with). The you would add and integer , hidden, or calculate question type to the form and populate the calculation field with the ${fieldname}+${fieldname2}... . If this field will be visible to the user you will want to prevent them from overriding the calculated answer.
I have attached a quick example which I have attached