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Turn off Survey Submissions

2 weeks ago
Status: Open
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor

I have some seasonal surveys that I keep up year around for residents to view. Since I leave these up I would like to turn submissions off, but still allow people to view the results. There are some work-arounds like hiding the form or altering the form. I think it would be beneficial to have a button in the settings to turn on a lock, pause, stop and or etc, the Survey. Then when it's time to take surveys, I can turn on/open the survey for more submissions within said period of time. 

Another option that could be neat is a scheduled survey, open up the form for x amount of time then the survey closes but you can still view the results for however long.


Does turning off editing on the feature service work?


Have you tried this setting on the Collaborate tab?




Interesting Alfred, this could be solution. The feature layer is set to Public Data Collection, I would have to see how it would react to a end user submission.

Doug has found it. I have definitely overlooked this setting, this idea has already been thought of an implemented. 

Noted too that this is only in the WebApp, I looked in Survey123 Connect and I do not see it there so you will have to open it in online to set this.
