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Restore the 'My Organization' option for new surveys

11-09-2022 01:26 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
MVP Frequent Contributor

In the most recent update to Survey123, the "My Organization" option was removed. This should be restored.


The intent of Esri is that the new Corporation "Templates" is intended to replace this option...


Templates is a massive down-grade and limitation of functionality. You are forced into a single Group (folder), and have to manually share items with that Group. That's great if you want to set up a series of standardized Corporate "Templates" for people to pull from, but lacks the inherit flexibility of the old "My Organization" option.

The process of starting a survey from the "My Organization" option is described here, for those curious.

I am okay with keeping the "Templates" option as it does serve a purpose, but the loss of "My Organization" is too much to ignore.

The only way I can pass along a survey to a colleague now is have them open the Survey123 Field App, download the survey > Go into the Survey123 Install directory > Go into My Surveys > Search for the form they just downloaded > Go into Survey123 Connect > Start a new project from a file > load this file > then manually add in the media folder contents... This is far from ideal.


An enhancement request has been made: ENH-000153795


Thank you so much Survey123 team for incorporating this into the June release.  This is super helpful to many in my organization.