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Add a ArcGIS hosted layer back into map on survey123 form

02-11-2021 10:10 AM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor

Can we add a hosted feature layer to the map displayed for a geopoint question for instance?

Currently I create a map for the hosted S123 layer in ArcGIS online prior to surveys, and then view the maps in the collector field app where I can see my submitted waypoints. This is important when I need to cover a given area with uniform waypoints (to get the best spread).

The slight and combersome issue is that I have to keep switching from Collector to S123 and back again... etc, etc. I can live with it but I wondered if anyone had perhaps thought of adding this functionality into the S123 maps? We have a base map already when using the geo question types so why not have the functionality to add a hosted feature layer to this map?

Just a thought! Thanks for the great products...



Hello Chris,

It is possible to use a web map as a basemap in Survey123:

- Open the survey in Survey123 Connect
- Go to the Map tab after hitting the Basemap button
- Select the map that belongs to your survey
- Publish the survey again

Now you can see the previously collected features on the map in Survey123 after selecting the proper basemap when the map is in edit mode.

Often it is still necessary to configure the web map itself in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer to add more context in the form of symbology and contextual map layers.


Thanks, how have I not noticed this before. cheers I will use this.



Hi @ChrisMaclaurin,
You can see full instructions on how to add a custom map into your survey in this blog post on Survey123 tricks of the trade: Configuring survey maps. Hope that's useful!

Status changed to: Already Offered

As indicated in the comments, this is a supported workflow for Survey123