I’m encountering the same problem with old links breaking when new links are added. In trying to come up with a simple case that reproduces the problem, I have found a very odd issue with the way a link is created. If I type in the text for a link without following that text with the Enter key, and then establish the link, the link comes up broken and goes to “aboutblank#blocked” as mentioned above. If I type in the text for the link and follow it with the Enter key, then the link works properly. As I said, very odd.
Here are the steps to reproduce this problem:
- Create a new story map
- Type in a title
- Click on the “+” to the left of “Tell your story” and create a sidecar
- Click on “done” to select “floating panel” as the default
- Click on the “+” to the left of “Continue your story…” and select “text”
- Type “section 1”
- Highlight the text and mark it as a subheading
- Publish the story map
- Copy the section link for “section 1” by hovering over the text and then clicking on the link icon that appears to the left
- Click on the “More actions” option at the top of the story map (“…”) and select “Edit story”
- Click on the “+” sign above the sidecar and select “text”
- Type in “section 1 link” but do not press the Enter key
- Highlight “section 1 link” and click on the link icon; paste in the link for section 1 that is in the copy buffer
- Publish the story map
- Click on “section 1 link”
These steps consistently produce a broken link in the tests I have run. I’m not sure yet if this is directly related to the issue in this case. I’m going to run some more tests. If needed, I could probably produce a video of the above sequence.