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View Collection button disappears occasionally

12-06-2024 08:03 AM
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to troubleshoot this but having a little difficulty trying to pinpoint the issue - so I'm curious if anyone else might be seeing a similar problem.

I've noticed that on some of our previously published Collections (that have been published and active for a while) occasionally the "View Collection" button disappears on the ArcGIS Online side. I'll have to republished the Collection in order to get the button to come back - it doesn't happen on all of the Collections, so I'm having a little trouble trying to see what the exact problem is.

We typically try to stay in the ArcGIS Online side as much as possible because a lot of the projects we do require Web Map construction and such. So these users are not going to the site first, they are staying in ArcGIS Online for the most part. It has been a temporary workarount to have people click on the Edit Collection button and the republish the StoryMap, and that will make the View Collection button show up again in ArcGIS Online. But it's confusing users a bit - since the View Collection button was always there previously if the Collection was published.

I thought maybe my brain was overthinking it - but we just had it happen with another of our public Collections that I KNOW for sure was published and active since November. I thought at first is was just unpublished changes - but it's not all of the Collections I'm seeing the issue with. So I'm a bit stumped. 

Any ideas are appreciated!

Thank you and I hope everyone is having a good week!

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

@SaraJL - Thanks for reporting this. I don't believe we've seen this or heard reports of this before. Next time you see this can you please—before you fix it—share a link to the published collection where the View collection button is not visible so we can look into it?

Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
Frequent Contributor

Thank you @OwenGeo!

We have quite a few projects being worked on this week for finals and I'm the only one that manages our ArcGIS organization for the most part, so I'll catch it if it comes up again! I'll let you know.

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