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Issues logging in

04-12-2023 07:49 AM
New Contributor

Hello! Ever since last week I haven't been able to log into my account and access the story maps i have created there. It looks like as if my account doesn't exist anymore. It happened first when I was quitting the story map I was making to start another one, but I got thrown out to log in page and lost the access to the stories I have published. When I try to log in all it says is that an error has occurred and i should contact ArcGIS administartion. I am really worried that my work has gone to waste, since it is a part of a school project.

Is there any way to restore my account or at least access the published stories?

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@LailaKalva - What school/university are you with? I would start by reaching out to your teacher or the local administrator for the ArcGIS Online account at your school - they could help you reset your PW or get you logged in.


Brian Baldwin, Esri Inc., Lead Solution Engineer
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@BrianBaldwin I have already reached out to my teacher and she couldn't find my profile anywhere nor reset it. She was the one who advised me to seek help in this forum. Also my school doesn't work closely with this program, in fact, this was the 1st time I have ever used it.

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Esri Regular Contributor

There are 2 different 'StoryMaps' I just want to make sure you are logging into the right one - try going to this site and then try signing in, or requesting the Username:


Brian Baldwin, Esri Inc., Lead Solution Engineer
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New Contributor

It didn't work, unfortunately. 


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Esri Notable Contributor

@LailaKalva -- Did you ever figure this out? If you have already tried to reach out to your organization administrator and not had any luck, you can also try contacting Esri Support to see if they can find a record of your account.

Owen Evans
Lead Product Engineer | StoryMaps
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