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Embed Survey123 form into Sidecar narrative panel

05-12-2021 11:32 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Hello - I've posted this question to the Survey123 Forum but without success - does anyone here know the answer to the below? 🙂


Hello everyone

Pretty new to Survey123! I am trying to setup my Story in Storymaps so that people can comment on specific parts of it.  I am using SideCar.

I have set up in Survey123 the comments using the multiline comment option.

When I embed it into my sidecar story it looks like the image attached.  Is there a way for it to display with the title and then a comments box or even as a button that says something like "Submit your comments"?

Thank you


@SimonTDC -- Unfortunately, that's not possible at the moment, but it seems like a good idea to be able to have a survey form there. We can look into adding Survey123 forms to our whitelist of embedded content for narrative panels.

I'll convert this thread to an idea so others can vote on this to help us with prioritization.


Thanks for the reply @OwenGeo 

What is possible? Id hope we can have something better than the image shown?  Is is possible to have a button to say "Comment Now" "Submit Your Comment"?  Which would presumably lead to an offsite link.

Thank you 🙂


@SimonTDC - There are several other things you can explore as options:

  • The "card" view of the embed (what's shown in your image) can be customized in the embed options (gear menu). You can change the title, description, and thumbnail. It essentially acts as a large button-style link.
  • Add a simple button-style link that opens the survey form (just choose "Button" from the (+) menu)
  • Embed a live Survey123 form outside of a sidecar (in the main narrative portion of the story)

It would be extremely beneficial to have a comment box similar to the one I'm using on this forum for Story Map comments. I'm using a story map for projects and need people to provide feedback on various stages of the project. I'm creating story maps in Enterprise.