I've got python 2.7 installed and also python 2.6 (which came from Arc). Opening the python console in Arc and typing help() shows me that the python version used is 2.6. But is the process from modelbuilder running with python 2.6? Or 2.7? I'm running ArcGIS 10 with SP3 installed
Here is the actual output from the model builder at the point it gives me the error.
Executing (Zonal Statistics): ZonalStatistics E:\topo_sp\scratch\Basin_FlowDi1 Value E:\topo_sp\scratch\Extract_srtm1 E:\topo_sp\scratch\ZonalSt_Basi1 MAXIMUM DATA
Start Time: Thu May 10 08:14:59 2012
ERROR 010123: Could not get field name.
Failed to execute (Zonal Statistics).
Failed at Thu May 10 08:14:59 2012 (Elapsed Time: 0.00 seconds)
Some more info: Tried to run ZonalStats in Arc python console and the same error apears:
arcpy.sa.ZonalStatistics('Basin_inv', "Value", "cume", "MAXIMUM", "NODATA")
Runtime error <class 'arcgisscripting.ExecuteError'>: ERROR 010123: Could not get field name. Failed to execute (ZonalStatistics).
Thanks for the help