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Walk-Time Map

07-20-2024 07:34 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. I took a look to blog posts, tutorials and examples but still could not figure out how to solve my problem.

I have a park locations point shape file and a walking speed raster derived from a slope map and Tobler's hiking function. I want to create a final raster to show 5, 10 and 15-minute walking distances from park locations, considering the walking speed (meter/minute) raster.

I also followed the post below, which is parallel to my goal, but the my results so far are different than they got.

Then, I will try to connect this raster with local population data.

I tried using the Cost Distance, Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation tools, but the results I got seemed odd. I don't want to use Network Analysis as I'm ignoring road network data because people can walk over anywhere they would find during an emergency. I would be happy if you share your suggestions.


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


Why do you say your results look odd?  Following the analysis outlined in the blog you should get a Distance Accumulation raster that has a value at every pixel representing how long, in hours, it takes to walk to a particular location (a source).  You can set the Maximum Distance to 0.083 (5min), 0.16 (10min), or 0.25 (15min)  of an hour to isolate the locations you are interested in or don't set a Maximum Distance and use a post-processing tool (like Con or Less Than) to isolate your areas of interest.  If you provide more details I might be able to help.

Also, in ArcGIS Pro 3.4, new options have been added to the Vertical Factors, including Hiking Time and Bidirectional Hiking Time, so you don't need to create your own table.  These new factors are based on Tobler's Hiking Function.  For additional information please see the Distance Toolset Concept documentation. 


Liz Graham

Product Engineer on the Spatial Analyst Extension



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