I am doing Visibility on some DTM.
My first test was on 360 degrees. I set the extent to the extent of the circle. It took 3:45 minutes.
Then I did it second time from 0-90 degrees. I set the extent to quarter of the previous extent.
I was waiting for about 25% of the time or a little above.
Instead I get 90% of the time (about 3:20)
How is this possible?
Geodesic Viewshed (3D Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
purports to provide enhanced and/or faster performance.
Does it return the same results? and is the timing similar?
I suspect that visibility performs the calculation on the whole (eg 360) then does a final slicing of the result.
You could try to see if using "memory" workspace does the same thing which would rule out writing to disk as a possible reason
Hi Dan
The geodesic Viewshed required vertical spatial reference.
My data is on a "general" sphere and in UTM SR. I am not sure what is the correct vertical sr here.
My observer is in memory but I do not know about any way to save the result raster in memory.