This is a cross-post from the GIS StackExchange because it gained no traction there.
I have 15 multiband rasters for a total of 45 single-band images (5 dates x 3 sensors x 3 bands per sensor for which I need to apply a unique calibration equation. All the equations follow the format Y=A*exp(B*X), and I have a spreadsheet with all the corresponding A & B parameters for each.
Is there a feasible way for me to apply these functions iteratively using ModelBuilder to speed up the process? I am also willing to learn some ArcPy to make it work. Essentially, how would I specify the A * B variables in the calculator, and then tell it to search the spreadsheet to make the right substitutions? I couldn't turn up any forum or support site posts about this.
My current plan is:
import arcpy
import numpy as np
import os
print ("Done importing...")
# Set raster directory
print('Setting raster directory...')
arcpy.env.workspace = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters)"
rasterpath = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters)"
outputFolder = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/calibrated_rasters)
# Get input Raster properties
print "Loading rasters and their extent + cell size..."
nir_d1 = arcpy.Raster("E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/NIR_d1.tif")
lowerLeft_1 = arcpy.Point(nir_d1.extent.XMin, nir_d1.extent.YMin)
cellSize_1 = nir_d1.meanCellWidth
spatialReference_1 = nir_d1.spatialReference
nir_d2 = arcpy.Raster("E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/NIR_d2.tif")
lowerLeft_2 = arcpy.Point(nir_d2.extent.XMin, nir_d2.extent.YMin)
cellSize_2 = nir_d2.meanCellWidth
spatialReference_2 = nir_d2.spatialReference
nir_d3 = arcpy.Raster("E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/NIR_d3.tif")
lowerLeft_3 = arcpy.Point(nir_d3.extent.XMin, nir_d3.extent.YMin)
cellSize_3 = nir_d3.meanCellWidth
spatialReference_3 = nir_d3.spatialReference
nir_d4 = arcpy.Raster("E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/NIR_d4.tif")
lowerLeft_4 = arcpy.Point(nir_d4.extent.XMin, nir_d4.extent.YMin)
cellSize_4 = nir_d4.meanCellWidth
spatialReference_4 = nir_d4.spatialReference
nir_d5 = arcpy.Raster("E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/NIR_d5.tif")
lowerLeft_5 = arcpy.Point(nir_d5.extent.XMin, nir_d5.extent.YMin)
cellSize_5 = nir_d5.meanCellWidth
spatialReference_5 = nir_d5.spatialReference
# List the raster properties
lowerLeft = [lowerLeft_1], [lowerLeft_2], [lowerLeft_3], [lowerLeft_4], [lowerLeft_5]]
print lowerLeft, type(lowerLeft)
cellSize = [[cellSize_1], [cellSize_2], [cellSize_3], [cellSize_4], [cellSize_5]]
print cellSize, type(cellSize)
spatialReference = [[spatialReference_1], [spatialReference_2], [spatialReference_3], [spatialReference_4], [spatialReference_5]]
print spatialReference, type(spatialReference)
print "Done..."
# Convert Raster to numpy array
print "Converting rasters to NumPy arrays..."
d1 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(nir_d1, nodata_to_value=-10000)
d2 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(nir_d2, nodata_to_value=-10000)
d3 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(nir_d3, nodata_to_value=-10000)
d4 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(nir_d4, nodata_to_value=-10000)
d5 = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(nir_d5, nodata_to_value=-10000)
print "Done..."
# all the images (in numpy arrays) in a list
dates = [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5]
# all coefficients and intercepts in lists for easy looping
print "Configuring coefficients..."
A = np.array([[0.0248262,0.0260896,0.0233547],[0.0065193, 0.0068043,0.0018543],[0.0173419,0.0159686,0.0089509], [0.0166572,0.0161596,0.0109827],[0.0377285,0.0582130,0.0319386]],dtype=np.float32)
B = np.array([[0.0000609, 0.0000637, 0.0000648], [0.0001313,0.0001401,0.0001643],[0.0000772,0.0000845,0.0000900], [0.0000707,0.0000763,0.0000782],[0.0000482,0.0000431,0.0000508]],dtype=np.float32)
print "Done..."
calibrated_data = []
print "Starting calibration calculations..."
# This can be changed to however you'd like to store the values
for date,numpyarray in enumerate(dates): #with enumerate now dates will be 1,2,3,4,5
arrayshape = numpyarray.shape
print arrayshape
Y = np.zeros_like(numpyarray, np.float32)
Y_rescaled = np.zeros_like(numpyarray, np.float32)
for i in range (0,3):
Y[i,:,:] = A[date,i]*np.exp(B[date,i]*numpyarray[i,:,:]) # B[date,i] should be a scalar
print Y
# print A[date,i], B[date,i], numpyarray[i,:,:]
Y_rescaled[i,:,:] = (Y[i,:,:]-Y[i,:,:].min())/(Y[i,:,:].max()-Y[i,:,:].min())
print Y_rescaled
calibrated_data.append(Y_rescaled) # this has two members in it, the first is however many dates I have.
print "Done..."
print "Saving rasters as 3-band 32-Bit GeoTiff..."
# for newarray in calibrated_data:
# nir_calibrated = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(newarray, lowerLeft, cellSize)
# arcpy.DefineProjection_management(nir_calibrated,spatialReference)
# + "//" + "nir" + date + ".tif")
nir_calibrated1 = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(calibrated_data[0], lowerLeft_1, cellSize_1)
nir_calibrated2 = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(calibrated_data[1], lowerLeft_2, cellSize_2)
nir_calibrated3 = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(calibrated_data[2], lowerLeft_3, cellSize_3)
nir_calibrated4 = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(calibrated_data[3], lowerLeft_4, cellSize_4)
nir_calibrated5 = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(calibrated_data[4], lowerLeft_5, cellSize_5)
Here is my final code. I'm sure there are improvements to be made, and I would really like to improve the looping so that I don't have to list each raster, thus the script would be more generic. But it works, and adding more rasters is a simple matter of copying and modifying a few lines.
Upon further inspection, this code is not working correctly. The numpyarraytoraster functions are putting the wrong dates and channels into the GeoTiffs. E.g. Date1-Band1 is actually in Date3-Band1.
Here's my approach, using arcpy map algebra. This code is not tested.
import os
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import Exp, Int
src_dir = "E:\\ArcGIS_Work\\raw_rasters"
dst_dir = "E:\\ArcGIS_Work\\cal_rasters"
# Create a list of input rasters
env.workspace = src_dir
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*","TIF")
# work in output workspace
env.workspace = dst_dir
env.scratchWorkspace = dst_dir
# load dictionary with calibration parameters for image "a"
# you could set up keys based on the raster name here
caldict = {"a": [2, 3.4, 3, 4.3, 4, 1.2])
# process each raster one at a time
for r in rasters:
rpth = os.path.join(src_dir, r)
# create layers to extract bands
b1 = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(rpth, "b1", index="1")
b2 = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(rpth, "b2", index="2")
b3 = arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(rpth, "b3", index="3")
# retrieve calibration coefficents from dict
b1a, b1b, b2a, b2b, b3a, b3b = caldict["a"]
# calculate calibrated rasters for each band
b1c = Int(b1a * Exp(b1b * b1))
b2c = Int(b2a * Exp(b2b * b2))
b3c = Int(b3a * Exp(b3b * b3))
# save rasters to disk to pass to composite bands tool
# save using same raster name as input
arcpy.CompositeBands_management([b1c, b2c, b3c], r)
# Clean up
for tt in [b1c, b2c, b3c, b1, b2, b3]:
Curtis, thanks so much for this! I have a further simplified version of my code above, but I like how short yours is and will try it out. I also have a problem with my own script where my rescaling step (normalize range to 0-1) produces poorer results (poorer correlation to ground truth data) than if I did everything manually in the GUI using raster calculator. How would I go about rescaling using map algebra following the workflow you present?
Here is my current workflow:
print "Beginning imports..."
import time
start_time = time.time()
import arcpy
import numpy as np
import os
import glob
print "time elapsed: {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - start_time)
print "Done importing..."
# Set Infolder/Outfolder
print 'Setting raster directory...'
arcpy.env.workspace = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters"
rasterpath = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/NIR_rasters/"
outputFolder = "E:/ArcGIS_Work/calibrated_rasters"
print 'Done...'
# Set empty lists to fill while looping
lowerLeft =[]
cellSize =[]
spatialReference =[]
# List rasters in rasterpath. Note: Could use arcpy.ListRasters
# but this method is more generic to Python, thus easy to adapt
# to GDAL, OpenCV, Rasterio, etc.
print "Listing rasters and their properties..."
raster_names = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rasterpath):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.tif'):
# raster_names = [(file for file in rasterpath if file.endswith('.tif')) for _,__,files in os.walk(rasterpath)]
print raster_names
for name in raster_names:
rasters = arcpy.Raster(rasterpath + os.sep + name)
lowerLeft.append(arcpy.Point(rasters.extent.XMin, rasters.extent.YMin))
print rasters
print "Converting rasters to numpy arrays..."
nparrays = []
for i, raster in enumerate(nirs):
nparrays.append(arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(raster, nodata_to_value=-10000).astype(float))
print nparrays
print "time elapsed: {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - start_time)
print "Done..."
# Set coefficients for Y=A*exp(B*raster_channel)
# Lists are in format of [[date 1 channels]...[date 5 channels]] aka [[R1,G1,B1],...[R5,G5,B5]]
print "Listing coefficients..."
A = np.array([
B = np.array([
print "Done..."
# Apply the calibration equations
print "Starting array calibrations..."
calibrated_data = []
for date, numpyarrays in enumerate(nparrays):
Y = np.zeros_like (numpyarrays, np.float32)
Y_rescaled = np.zeros_like (numpyarrays, np.float32) # will store arrat re-scaled b/w 0-1 since reflectance cannot be negative.
for i in range (0,3):
Y[i,:,:] = A[date,i]*np.exp(B[date,i]*numpyarrays[i,:,:]) # B[date,i] should be a scalar
Y_rescaled[i,:,:] = (Y[i,:,:]-Y[i,:,:].min())/(Y[i,:,:].max()-Y[i,:,:].min())
print Y_rescaled
calibrated_data.append(Y_rescaled) # this has two members in it, the first is however many dates I have.
print "time elapsed: {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - start_time)
print "Done..."
# Save rasters back to GeoTiff
print "Saving nparray to raster..."
for i, data in enumerate(calibrated_data):
calibrated = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(data, lowerLeft[i], cellSize[i],value_to_nodata=-9999)
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(calibrated,spatialReference[i]) + "//" + (raster_names[i])[:-4] + ".tif")
print "Done..."
print "time elapsed: {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - start_time)
You could use map algebra to linearly scale your output from 0 to 1 (though 0 to 255 is often used).
ras1 = (ras - ras.minimum) / (ras.maximum - ras.minimum)
However you may get better performance using Rescale by Function—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
ras1 = RescaleByFunction(TfLinear(), from_scale=0.0, to_scale=1.0)