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Scrip Error

11-25-2015 08:52 AM
Deactivated User

Some Spatial Analyst tools (e.g. Reclassify, Raster Calculator) and other tools from other toolboxes (e.g. Tracking Analyst Tools) are not working because of a Script Error. The message says:

Line: 51

Caracthere: 4

Error: Invalid Pointer

Code: 0

URL: file:///C:/Users/”MY_USER_NAME”/AppData/Roaming/ESRI/Desktop10.3/ArcToolbox/Dlg/MdDlgContent.htm

Do you wish to continue executing the script? Yes or No

No matter if I chose "yes" or "no" the tool doesn’t show anything. When I change the size of the tool window, a part of it is showed but not everything. It’s impossible to use it.

I’ve seen a lot of post about this bug and I tried everything I could:

I changed my security options in Internet, rename the file MdDlgContent to “..._old”, reset ArcGIS options but nothing worked.

I have ArcGIS 10.3 and Windows 10, but I had this problem with other Windows version, other ArcGIS version and even other laptop. Does anyone know how to solve it? I contact ESRI represent in my country but they couldn't help me.

Thank you!


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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Hi vanessa,

Check this out

ArcGIS Geoprocessing Tools Scripting Error |

The setting Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt needs to be set to Enable.

If you want to change this setting, then open the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer by going to Start --> All Programs --> Internet Explorer. The 64-bit version will say Internet Explorer (64-bit).  Once Internet Explorer opens, go to Tools --> Internet Options, and click on the Security tab.

Think Location
Deactivated User

Thank you Jayanta! I folowed the steps:

- changed the Active X option:

active x.JPG

- Allowed the complements in all sites: (My list is biggers than his list)


- Checked the ArcGISVersion.dll. And, like in the post, I don't have the Digital Signatures tab. Do you know how to register  the file?


I read the comments in the post but I didn't find anything helpfull. I'll try to contact who wrote it.

Thank you!!

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Does the issue still persist after changing the active X option?

Think Location
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Deactivated User

Hi Jayanta! Sorry I took so long to answer you.

The issue still persist after changing the active x option. Like I said, when I change the tool's window size, part of it is showed, like you can see in the picture above.

I don't know if this has something to do about the problem, but I noticed that the issue started after I used another screen to work. I connected a screen in my laptop and I ran ArcGIS using an extended screen.

My friend had the same problem and he "fixed" just changing the window's size.

Thank you very much!



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