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Refine griding of raster image

01-27-2015 10:30 AM
Emerging Contributor



I have a population dataset that i have imported into ArcGIS.  I have this data referenced to UTM39.  I have two versions of this data:  one the raw raster image and one where i converted the raster to polygon.  This data's resolution is 30 arc-seconds.


I have generated a fish net with a grid spacing of 90 meters also has been projected into UTM39.  The idea behind this project is to refine the coarser data into 90m cells so we can create a gridded file to run through our modeling computers with other parameters.  We want to refine the population data into these 90m grids.  If one 90m grid shares two pixels, we want to take the mean of those two pixels and keep the calcualted mean value in the corresponding 90 meter cell location. 


I have tried using the identify tool, the Intersect tool, and the Union tool to no avail.  What appears to be the issue is that when there are two pixels within one 90m cell location, a new column is generated snapping to the two pixels.  This generates a non-uniform area grid.  I would like to preserve the grid in its 90m size. 


Attached is an example of the snapping I have been seeing...


How can I avoid the snapping and refine this data?


Thanks in advance!



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13 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Would this map the population data directly to those 90m grid cells generated from the fish net? What I am looking for is

_________                [][][][][][][][][][]

|                |                [][][][][][][][][][]  (10x10 - 90m)

|     900m  |  ---------> [][][][][][][][][][]

|________|                [][][][][][][][][][].......

I am relatively new to arcGIS, and I was throw into a project and expected to figure this out, so I am sorry if my terminology and explanations are misleading (if they are).  I am extremely interested in this software and learning it, just will take some time.  Assume that level knowledge when explaining stuff to me too please, I am still very new at this!  I have two degrees in meteorology and mathematics, so I understand one-to-one mapping, and one-to-many mapping in matrix form manipulations, however, do not know how to do it here. 

Kishor I tried your method, not sure if worked or not.  I see my grided 90m cells, however, it does not appear to have mapped correctly.  I may be doing something wrong here, so I apologize if it is me, however, I did the procedure outlined.


Mike, I have a feeling re-sampling may be needed as well to avoid the resolution issues you were talking about.  I am unsure how to fully complete that procedure.  If there is an article or you can provide a procedure for me, I would greatly appreciate it! 

Both you you, thank you so much for you help thus far.  I am not only learning the thought process here, but learning new tools and how to attempt the same project from different angles! 

Thank you so much for everyone's help so far. 


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Emerging Contributor

I figured out that the resampling method uses the rasters lower left hand corner as the origin.  My fishnet has to be the lower left hand origin because that is what the other data-sets that I will be doing similar resampling on start.

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Frequent Contributor

Resampling looks like the best option to me. You can then make sure that all your other datasets use the resampled image as your "snap" raster for all your analysis. Use the "Search| Tools" function within ArcMap to look for the tools you need.

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Emerging Contributor

In order to do this, i believe I am going to have to convert my 90m-celled fishnet to a polygon so that I can snap on that.  Am I right in assuming I need to convert the fishnet to some kind of polygon or raster image for snapping?

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