When I try to use the raster calculator (in ArcToolBox or as a command tool), I get a runtime error. The error messages are shown below. And yes, I have a license for Spatial Analyst, but I seldom use it, so its quite possible that I am doing something obviously wrong. The output raster, test02 does not exist yet (I tried pre-creating it, but that didn't work, either). The input raster is integer, but float rasters are not working for me either.
Raster Calculator [143113_09022013]
Output raster: <empty>
Executing: Raster Calculator ??????R31107_G2I??? * 3??? C:\GIS_Data\DEM\NM\test02
Start Time: Mon Sep 02 14:31:13 2013
Raster(r???R31107_G2I???) * 3
X ERROR 000539: Runtime error
X traceback (most recent call last):
X File ???C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\Lib\warnings.py???, line29, in_show_warningfile.write(formatwarning(message, category,filename,lineno,line))
X AttributeError: ???geoprocessing sys.stdout object??? object has no attribute ???write???
X Failed to execute (RasterCalculator)