I am still having some difficulty with this output. I downloaded a 10m DEM from USGS's TNM and projected it to UTM zone 18N. I opened a new ArcMap project and opened the DEM. I ran the curvature tool and got the following outputs:
Curvature: +/- 1.#INF
Profile: 3.40282e+038 - 1.17549e-038
Plan: same as Profile Curvature
I'm not sure why this isn't working. I had the same thing occur in ArcInfo 9.3 and ArcView 10. Any insights? I tried to adjust the z value that delivered the same results, and this way seems like more of a cosmetic fix anyway.
Also, in Arc 10, ArcMap crashes at 99%, but creates an unprojected curvature raster. Just wanted to know if anyone was experiencing this or if my Arc10 needs reinstalled.