Obtaining stream flow direction

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02-20-2014 06:28 AM
Deactivated User

I have a polyline stream layer (shapefile) and I want to know if there is a way to find the cardinal flow direction  (N, NE, E, SE, S...) of each individual stream segment?  I have a DEM, but I am not interested in the terrain flow direction that water would normally flow. I am looking to find the cardinal flow direction of the stream(s) segments themselves. My ultimate goal is to determine the average stream flow direction within a polygon layer using a spatial join.

I am not sure if this matters, but I have From_Nodes and To_Nodes, reach codes and distances in my attribute table.

I hope this makes sense.

Any and all information, tools, tips, tricks is greatly appreciated.


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21 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Having created a field of type double, you right click on field header run field calculator and complete as shown below.


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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Mark,

I see Duncan has already provided you with a good way to calculate the intra-nodal distance. I was wondering however, since your goal is to "determine the average stream flow direction within a polygon layer" and you don't want to use your DEM (aspect) for this purpose, you could do something else.

What if you would create fields for each cardinal flow direction and each field would be filled with the sum of the lengths of coordinate pairs within each stream in that cardinal flow direction. My guess is that this would provide a better understanding of the flow direction once you summarize it within a polygon.

Kind regards,

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Deactivated User
Hi Mark,

I see Duncan has already provided you with a good way to calculate the intra-nodal distance. I was wondering however, since your goal is to "determine the average stream flow direction within a polygon layer" and you don't want to use your DEM (aspect) for this purpose, you could do something else.

What if you would create fields for each cardinal flow direction and each field would be filled with the sum of the lengths of coordinate pairs within each stream in that cardinal flow direction. My guess is that this would provide a better understanding of the flow direction once you summarize it within a polygon.

Kind regards,


Hi Xander and Duncan...

Before I saw Duncan's latest post I was able to figure out how to run the script. I am getting a calculation, but for some reason the straight line distances that are calculated aren't what they should be.  They are much smaller (way smaller) than the actual stream lengths. My projections and coordinate systems agree.  I'm not sure if the issue resides in the from and to nodes in the attribute table or what. You folks have been a tremendous help thus far, but I'm still perplexed in trying to obtain the straight line distances.


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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Mark,

This sounds a lot like it has to do with the coordinate systems. Can you specify the following:
- coordinate system of your streams dataset
- coordinate system of your data frame

If both are geographic, can you provide me a projected coordinate that suits your data (for the length calculation)? Probably the  straight line geometry has to be created with the spatial reference of the source, and if that is geographic, it needs to be projected to obtain the proper length. This can all be done in the field calculator script.

Just to be sure can you also provide an example:
- start coordinate
- end coordinate
- distance measured manually (the correct distance)
- distance calculated by the script

Kind regards,

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Deactivated User
Hi Mark,

This sounds a lot like it has to do with the coordinate systems. Can you specify the following:
- coordinate system of your streams dataset
- coordinate system of your data frame

If both are geographic, can you provide me a projected coordinate that suits your data (for the length calculation)? Probably the  straight line geometry has to be created with the spatial reference of the source, and if that is geographic, it needs to be projected to obtain the proper length. This can all be done in the field calculator script.

Just to be sure can you also provide an example:
- start coordinate
- end coordinate
- distance measured manually (the correct distance)
- distance calculated by the script

Kind regards,


Hi Xander,

Let me back up just a bit and give you an idea of my data set.  I have NHD data with thousands of individual stream segments. If you recall my initial pursuit was to find the stream length and flow direction of the individual segments. The information from you and Duncan proved fruitful in that effort. But as you recall, my combined flow direction was not matching up to my needs.  I then asked how I could get a straight line distance between my starting and ending nodes.

My nodes were in some kind of decimal units....(I am guessing miles) because when I calculated the stream length in miles (using field calculator) everything pretty much agreed, but my straight line distances from the above python script did not. As a novice to all this, I discovered that I probably needed coordinates for my nodes in order to get a straight line distance between the first and last nodes as well as a bearing.

So....in order to get to a straight line distance, I had to Dissolve my dataset based on my reachcodes....meaning I had multilple segments that made up one complete stream segment. That reduced the number of individual segments I had to deal with, which did not carry over the original decimal node values.

I then created separate fields to calculate the lat/long coordinates of my TO and FROM nodes. It appears that I can calculate the straight line distance. It will calculate it in miles, but I can do a conversion with field calculator.  If I calculate geometry, it will calculate the "actual stream length". So, what I need is to calculate the flow angle or bearing from that line, but I get a 99999 error It will not calculate the field based on the python script provided earlier nor will it calculate my flow angles or cardinal bearing.

Here is an example in my combined streams layer.....

Streams layer and data frame:   Projected Coordinate System:NAD_1983_Lambert_Conformal_Conic
Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983

In this particular example it is the result of two stream segments that I combined through DISSOLVE based on reach code.

From_Node_X (-80.42511)
From_Node_Y (39.72707)

To_Node_X (-80.43147)
To_Node_Y (39.72133)

Actual stream length (calculate geometry) 0.57185 miles
Straight line distance: 2752.176 feet

Long story short....from my new dissolved data, I need to once again find the resultant flow angle or bearing from my start and end points of my nodes.

Thanks for your time...


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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Mark,

If your data is located somewhere at the border of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the coordinates are in decimal degrees (not miles). The coordinates seem to correspond to a stream, just next to the Golden Oaks rd (PA 18).

Using decimal degrees to calculate the angle and the straight distance in the scrips will not give correct answers. The coordinates should be projected first.

I don't know what the reason is for the calculation to trow a 99999 error. If you are willing to share a small part of your data (streams) I can have a look.

Kind regards,

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Deactivated User
Hi Mark,

If your data is located somewhere at the border of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the coordinates are in decimal degrees (not miles). The coordinates seem to correspond to a stream, just next to the Golden Oaks rd (PA 18).

Using decimal degrees to calculate the angle and the straight distance in the scrips will not give correct answers. The coordinates should be projected first.

I don't know what the reason is for the calculation to trow a 99999 error. If you are willing to share a small part of your data (streams) I can have a look.

Kind regards,


Hi Xander...

Indeed, I should have originally provided you with a snippit of my data.

In the first image (original data)....this was my data as I started with it.  As you can see, I have multiple reach codes for individual segments. In my From and To nodes, there are decimal units....which are likely in miles because the stream line distances match up between the nodes. I did not originally have Lat/Long coordinates and used the calculate geometry to calculate those fields. The FlowAngle and CardFD fields were calculated based on the previous python scripts. BEFORE I HAD EVEN OBTAINED THE LAT/LONG COORDINATES.  And the script appeared to do what you had said it would.

But for my flow direction data to be more representative of my polygon layer, my thinking is that it would be best to combine the streams based on the same reach codes.  Thus the combined stream would have a single From and To node. This meant DISSOLVING my data or using the unsplit line tool to accomplish that task (Data Dissolve). Both seemed to acquire the same reasults. After dissolviing my data, I again calculated the Lat/Long coordinates of the From and To nodes. From there I believed I should be able to get the actual stream length, the straight line stream length and the flow angle or flow bearing of the straight line distance.....my original intended goal.

When I again tried running the scripts, I acquired the 99999 error code.  That is where I stand at this point.

I hope this makes sense...

thanks for your time.


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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Mark,

When I was asking for a few streams, I was refering to a featureclass. Maybe you can attach a few streams as featureclass in a zipped fgdb or as a zipped shapefile (although some fieldnames will be renamed when exporting to shapefile). This way I can look at the geometry itself and the spatial reference and test my script.

Kind regards,

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Deactivated User
Hi Mark,

When I was asking for a few streams, I was refering to a featureclass. Maybe you can attach a few streams as featureclass in a zipped fgdb or as a zipped shapefile (although some fieldnames will be renamed when exporting to shapefile). This way I can look at the geometry itself and the spatial reference and test my script.

Kind regards,



Please find the attached zipped FGDB.  I hope this works for you.


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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Mark,

I had some problems with the "custom" coordinate system, but I have attached a toolbox with the functionality and also an updated file geodatabase. Unzip the toolbox ("toolshare2.zip") and navigate with the ArcCatalog window to the unzip location. Try the tools inside. Hope they work for you.

The SL distance (length) that is returned follows the linear unit of the input featureclass. In your case it is US_Foot.

Kind regards,

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