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Least Cost Path Analysis: Pipeline Route

07-28-2014 06:14 AM
Frequent Contributor

Help Please

I'm looking for some advice in how to build a LCPA (Least Cost Path Analysis) model using ArcGIS and Spatial Analyst. I want to build a model that determines the Least Cost Path to service all the potential clients with effluent recycled water from the WWTW (Waste Water Treatment Works). I need the model to account for each user before defining the Least Cost Path. So far I've built a model using ModelBuilder using Weighted Overlay Tool to generate the Cost Raster; Cost Distance using the Bulk Pipeline Route; Cost Path to determine the cost path from the users (Land Parcels) to the Bulk Pipeline and convert the cost path from raster to polyline.

I've attached jpegs of:

  • Preliminary route Bulk Pipeline (Red) and Feeder Pipeline (Blue) with the identified Users (Land Parcels) titled CapeFlatsNetwork.
  • Location of the WWTW.
  • Feeder Route to Users
  • LCPA Model (ModelBuilder)

Any advice in how to build a LCPA for Pipeline Networks, will truly be appreciated.


Peter Wilson

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Peter from your other link, Spanning Trees can't be used for your purposes since it connects points only and does not use existing network structures, the Network Analyst is the only thing I can think that might be put into service for your problem.

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Frequent Contributor

Thanks Dan.


Peter Wilson

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Dan

I found the following post where your  Minimum Spanning Tree Tool and Network Analyst was used to achieve a similar problem that I'm trying to achieve. I'm going to give it a try and will let you know if it give me the results that I'm looking for.


Peter Wilson

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MVP Emeritus

Peter... resolved? report?

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