Hi Xander and Neil,
Thank you for your information. I wonder if Xander could provide more detailed information on this sentence "If your weight map would be the amount of water that contributes to the discharge, then you could calculate it." I am a little confused how I calculate the discharge even if I could have the amount of water.
Discharge at a location will, of course, vary with rainfall (and time....and catchment characteristics*)- No rain = no flow/discharge.
Your weight map can be used to represent this rain. The default value is 1 which assumes the amount of 'water' applied at each cell is the same and therefore flow is hypothetical. However, if a rainfall event only affected half the catchment, then this weighting might give values of 1 for the area where rain fell and 0 for areas where it didn't etc meaning flow would only be present in cells below the rainfall extent.
* these characteristics are probably best calculated with other software.
The "Flow Accumulation" creates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell. A weight factor can optionally be applied.