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generating a DEM from LAS files

09-30-2019 06:08 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi all. I'm trying to generate a bare earth DEM from LAS files for use with Arc Hydro (to delineate flow paths). I've done this successfully one time by: creating an LAS dataset, filtering out all but the ground-only points in the LAS dataset, and converting the LAS dataset to a raster with Triangulation (Natural Neighbor/No Thinning) and a cell size of 1ft.

Like I said, this has already worked once. When I ran it through Arc Hydro, it defined some beautiful stream lines. This time, it is producing really wonky lines. There are these huge horizontal cuts where the streams conflate. I think this means that Arc Hydro is interpreting these as big flat areas, but I don't know how or why.

P.S. I already tried to post this question with images, but it didn't get approved. So now I'm afraid to include images. Sorry!

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