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Extract by mask shifts cells when set processing extent

01-31-2012 05:33 PM
New Contributor

I am trying to extract raster cells using the Extract by Mask function. As expected, it shifts the cells slightly when I don't set the processing extent (->snap raster) to the original raster. However, when I do set it to avoid the shifting ArcMap shifts the cells massively (see attached file). For example Central America is now in the Amazon... I've worked with these data before without any problems so I am extremely puzzled by what is going on. I've tried different shapefiles as the mask but none of them seem to work (I either get the massive shift or ArcMap produces an empty raster). I am using version 10.0 and had Service Pack 2 installed recently.
If anyone has any suggestions what might be causing the problem I would be extremely grateful.

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
Were the two rasters used projected in the same coordinate system?  It looks like the spatial extents are radically different or the spatial extents do not match and one is not projected.  If that does not solve the issue, then I would recommend creating a Support Incident for specific trouble shooting with that data.
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