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Creating a cone-shaped DEM

05-06-2013 11:11 PM
New Contributor
Dear all,

for a hydrological analysis, i have to create an idealized mountain, shaped as a cone.
The task seems to be easy, but it does not work out. These are the steps I made:

- I created a line feature, consisting of six concentric circles (diameters: 1200m-200m, Z_Values:0m-1000m), representing the contours,
- a point featre (Z_Value:1000m), representing a height point,
- a polygon feature (concentric to the conture lines, diameter 1250m), representing the boundary

Then I used the "Topo to raster" tool, to interpolate the DEM, but ArcMap always returns several errors (010235,010067,010089,...)

Initally I used "float" as data type for the Z_Values, than I changed it to integer, without any improvement.
I tried it with both features with and without included Z-values, but none of them worked out.

I would appreciate any idea, suggestion,...

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Why not create a terrain or TIN with the data used as softlines?  That may work if your area is rather large and fails in the Topo to Raster tool.  You can then convert the TIN or Terrain to a raster if necessary.
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Esri Regular Contributor
so you have 3 inputs to TopoToRaster
1) polyline and you've selected the type = Contour
2) point feature class and type = PointElevation
3) polygon feature class and type = Boundary


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New Contributor
Dear all,

It worked out now, by using shapefiles instead of feature classes. I cannot explain the reason, but kept all the settings as I described them below...

@jbswain: previously I also tried to create a TIN which did not work out either..

cheers chriko
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New Contributor
Thanks for sharing on this great work.  It is interesting that a fellow hydrologist has a need for a conical DEM.  I need this DEM to validate a tool I have built.  Would you be able to share your resulting DEM please? 
Best regards,
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