Cellular automata

10-16-2014 07:59 AM
New Contributor

I have to simulate urban Development, and have urban raster where urban=1, other =0. I made a "Focal statistic" on that with Moore neighbourhood and SUM. My first rule in my raster calulator is: IF there are three or more developed cells in the Moore neighbourhood of a cell THEN the cell is developed. I made a expression: Con("Focal_statistic" >=3,1,0) . That Works ok. Then I have a "roadraster", where road=1, others=0. My second rule is: IF there are one or two urban cells in the Moore neighbourhood AND there is a road running through this cell THEN the cell is developed. I wrote in my raster calculator: Con("Focal_statistic" >=3,1,0) & Con(("Focal _statistic" ==1 & "Focal statistic"==2) & "roadraster",1) But that dosn`t Work?

Hi from MJ

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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

don't you mean to use "or" ( | ) the latter Con statement since your Focal statistics can't be  1 and 2 at the same time.  I would break your workflow down into smaller steps to test

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