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Raster Analysis and Spatial Analyst session and events at UC 2019

07-01-2019 02:04 PM
Esri Contributor
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The 2019 Esri User Conference (July 8-12) is almost here. We here on the Raster Analysis team are busy practicing and polishing our presentations and are looking forward to showing you what we’ve been working on since last summer.  If you do any kind of raster or multidimensional analysis, please look at the guide below to help you plan out your time with us.

Expo hall

Visit the UC Expo to meet with us and with several amazing exhibitors. The UC Expo Hall has extended hours on Thursday this year, meaning more time is available for you to come by and get your questions answered.

Tuesday, July 9th         9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Wednesday, July 10th  9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Thursday, July 11th      9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Technical Workshops and Demos

To help target your areas of interest, we’ve categorized workshops and demos relevant to raster analysis with Spatial Analyst into different groups.  In each group, you will find the general purpose of the sessions within the group, followed by the specific session titles in chronological order. Repeat presentations are also listed, in case you are not able to attend the first offering. Finally, remember to check out the Road Ahead sessions for a peek into the future.

1.     Raster Analysis

The ArcGIS platform offers many capabilities for raster analysis, data management, and spatial modeling.  Attend the introductory sessions to get a broad overview of the capabilities for raster analysis.  If your interest is more for specific types of analysis, such as suitability modeling, cost distance modeling, or hydrological modeling, we offer many sessions more specifically focused on those areas.

Raster Analysis
Tuesday, July 9
10:00 AMSpatial Analyst: An IntroductionSDCC – Room 30 B
10:00 AMHydrologic Analysis and Applications in ArcGISSDCC – Room 33 C
11:15 AMWorking With Living Atlas Data: Habitat ModelingSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 11
1:00 PMInterpolating Surfaces in ArcGISSDCC – Room 33 C
1:15 PMMap Algebra: Getting StartedSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 10
1:15 PMWorking With Living Atlas Data: Elevation AnalysisSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 11
4:00 PMFinding the Best Locations Using Suitability ModelingSDCC – Room 33 C
Wednesday, July 10
8:30 AMCost Distance Analysis: Identifying the Best PathSDCC – Room 30 C
11:15 AMSurface Interpolation in ArcGISSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 10
1:15 PMBobcat Suitability ModelingSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 10
2:30 PMSpatial Analyst: An IntroductionSDCC – Room 32 A/B
Thursday, July 11
2:30 PMFinding the Best Locations Using Suitability ModelingSDCC – Room 15 A
4:00 PMCost Distance Analysis: Identifying the Best PathSDCC – Room 17 A
4:00PMInterpolating Surfaces in ArcGISSDCC – Room 15 A
4:00 PMHydrologic Analysis and Applications in ArcGISSDCC – Room 14 A
Raster Data Management
Tuesday, July 9
10:00 AMBasics of creating a Mosaic DatasetSDCC Demo Theater 2
Thursday, July 11
11:15 AMManaging and Serving Elevation and Lidar DataSDCC Demo Theater 2

2. Raster Analysis using Python

The integration of Map Algebra with Python via the Spatial Analyst ArcPy module offers a broad range of capabilities for raster analysis, data management and automation workflows. With the arcgis.raster module in the ArcGIS Python API, you can perform raster analysis on very large raster datasets in the server environment. Various Python packages also let you extend your analytical power though custom tools, as well as machine and deep learning.

Tuesday, July 9
1:15 PMArcGIS API for Python: Integrating Machine Learning and Deep LearningSDCC – Expo Demo Theater 08
2:30 PMPython: Raster AnalysisSDCC – Room 30 A
Wednesday, July 10
10:00 AMArcGIS API for Python: Imagery AnalysisSDCC – Room 16 A
4:00 PMPython: Raster AnalysisSDCC – Room 30 A

3.     Raster Analytics using ArcGIS Image Server

The Raster Analytics capabilities offered by ArcGIS Image Server can be used to enable cloud computing, which applies distributed computing and distributed storage technology to analyze and process large raster data collections.  The following sessions will introduce the capabilities of this product, describe the architecture, detail the deployment options, and identify the performance benefits offered by distributed processing.

Tuesday, July 9
8:30 AMArcGIS Enterprise: Raster Analytics in Image ServerSDCC – Room 33 A/B
1:00 PMArcGIS Enterprise: Managing and Serving Imagery in the Cloud using ArcGIS Image ServerSDCC – Room 15 B
Wednesday, July 10
10:00 AMArcGIS Enterprise: Sharing ImagerySDCC Demo Theater 2
12:30 PMWorking with OGC WCS ServicesSDCC Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
4:00 PMArcGIS Enterprise: Managing and Serving Imagery in the Cloud using ArcGIS Image ServerSDCC – Room 05 B
Thursday, July 11
8:30 AMArcGIS Enterprise: Deploying Distributed Raster AnalyticsSDCC – Room 05 A
2:30 PMArcGIS Enterprise: Raster Analytics in Image ServerSDCC – Room 08

4.     Scientific Multidimensional Data Analysis

The ArcGIS platform has great capabilities for the ingesting, management, visualization, analysis, and sharing of scientific multidimensional data.  If you would like to use netCDF, HDF or GRIB data for doing spatial and temporal analysis, the following sessions will be of interest to you.

Wednesday, July 10
2:30 PMAnalyzing Multidimensional Scientific Data in ArcGISSDCC – Room 33 C
Thursday, July 11
10:00 AMAnalyzing Multidimensional Scientific Data in ArcGISSDCC – Room 10
10:00 AMScientific and Multidimensional Raster Support in ArcGISSDCC – Room 05 A
10:30 AMWorking with Scientific Data in ArcGIS PlatformSDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater

5.     The Road Ahead

Come join us for the Road Ahead sessions to find out what enhancements have been made in spatial analytics and what we are planning for the upcoming year, especially in the areas of machine learning, big data and real time analysis.

Tuesday, July 9
4:00 PMArcGIS Enterprise: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 C
4:00 PMArcGIS Pro: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 B
Wednesday, July 10
8:30 AMArcGIS Enterprise: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 C
10:00 AMSpatial Analysis and Data Science: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 D
Thursday, July 11
10:00 AMSpatial Analysis and Data Science: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 D
1:00 PMArcGIS Pro: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 D
Friday, July 12
9:00 AMArcGIS Pro: The Road AheadSDCC – Ballroom 06 F

Special Interest Group Meetings

Special Interest Groups – or SIGs—are communities within multiple organizations with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology. Every year, the Esri UC supports dozens of SIG meetups, both technical and non-technical. SIGs are a great way to network with your peers and learn something new. We encourage you to check out and participate in any of several SIG meetups highlighted below.

Sunday, July 07
7:30 am – 5:00 pmImagery SummitMarriott – Marina Foyer
8:30 am – 5:00 pmGeoSpatial Deep LearningSDCC – Room 32 A/B
9:00 am – 4:30 pmEsri GIS Hydro MeetingMarriott – Santa Rosa
Tuesday, July 9
11:30 am – 12:30 pmOcean SIGSDCC – Room 26 A
Thursday, July 11
11:30 am – 12:30 pmWeather and Climate SIGSDCC – Room 17 A

Summary, and come see us!

Additional details on these sessions listed above, and much more, is available in the full agenda. Be sure to download the Esri Events Mobile App, too!   (UC content coming soon)

Please come by the Spatial Analyst island within Spatial Analysis & Data Science at the Product Showcase in the Exhibit Hall during the week (Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 – 6:00, and Thursday from 9:00 – 4:00.  We’d love to hear about the work you do, any difficulties you have encountered, and any ideas you might have to make our software suit your needs even better.

***Note: All listings subject to change; not every paper or event may be presented here. For the list of the all sessions visit the full agenda page.

About the Author
Sarmistha is a Senior Product Engineer in the raster analysis group at Esri, and works on raster and scientific multidimensional data analysis. Her primary interest is in the application of GIS for environmental and climate change modeling to study changes for conservation and improved decision making. When not making maps, Sarmistha likes to experiment with her cooking skills!