I need to create a step that reconciles and post the Job Version to SDE.DEFAULT. In our envirment SDE.default is protected so only the sde user can edit it. In the workflow manager, every user work in their own version and has their own db login to connect to the geodatabase. What I want to do is, have a reconcile and post step, that can overwrite the configure user so that the step runs the rec and post as the sde user. I want the QC user to be able to post against sde.default, but that the QC gets this specific privilege in a specific step and after that step return to his original privileges (QC is login to the db as his own database user, change the login as sde so he could post). Is this possible? I do not what to open ArcMap login as SDE to be able to post, I�??ll like to run this as a gp.step in WFM.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]11449[/ATTACH] my users
[ATTACH=CONFIG]11450[/ATTACH] user that can write or modify my db,
[ATTACH=CONFIG]11451[/ATTACH] QC with restricted privileges.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]11452[/ATTACH] I want to to that in a specific step