Original User: diegollamas
Hi I have some question, I hope someone can answer it MWX 10.2
A. AOI definition issue
Our repository is configured so AOI are not allowed to overlap, so we set the systems�?? settings as shown [ATTACH=CONFIG]30758[/ATTACH] The problem is that when an AOI is close enough to another, but not overlapping, WMX does not allow the creation of it because for some reason still believed an overlap occurs. In the following example the existing AOI is shown in blue outline and the new one to be created in red. [ATTACH=CONFIG]30759[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]30760[/ATTACH]
Even making obvious the separation between AOIs the issue occurs.[ATTACH=CONFIG]30761[/ATTACH]
So, my question is, WMX 10.2 has some kind of restriction with the tolerance value? if a tolerance value exist, can I modify it?
B. Unable to edit an existing AOI
After the initial definition of an AOI, if a user needs to modify the AOI for some reason and re-run the step, WMX do not allow this action because the system believed there is an overlap [ATTACH=CONFIG]30762[/ATTACH] Users were granted ManageAOI privilege (User can modify the Area of Interest on a job.) so they should be able to modify their job�??s corresponding AOI as in the previous version of the software. The privilege AOIOverlapOverride allow the user to modify the AOI but this is not desired because it will allow to create an AOI regardless any other existing AOI. How Can I solve this issue?
Diego Llamas