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Updating custom BA report from 2012 data to 2013 data

11-03-2013 02:10 PM
Occasional Contributor
In BA desktop 10.2, we have four custom reports based on the 2012/2017 BA demographic data, and would like to update them using the 2013/18 data.   I am hoping there is an easy way to globally change the data source for all variable references in the report from the 2012 data to the 2013 data.  I can't seem to find it.

We have installed the 2013/2018 data and copied our custom report templates into the "My Output Data\Report Templates_USA_ESRI_2013" folder.  In the Fusion Report Designer, in editing mode, I used the "Add Standard BA Data" link to add the 2013 demographic data variables - they show up in a group named "demographics_2", while the existing "demographics" group is the 2012 variables (see attached screenshot).

Is there a way globally edit the data source reference for all variables in a report from "demographics" to "demographics_2", so they refer to the 2013 data instead of the 2012 data?  Or do I need to manually change the variable reference one at a time for all variables included in the report? all four of our custom reports?

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I believe that conceptually one could edit the metadata.xml for the custom report and perform a find/replace to change year vintages like 2012 to 2013.  I do not believe there have been any field names change between the Esri 2012 and 2013 datasets.  Let me see if I can someone on the development side to chime in on this.

Jason R.
Deactivated User
Was there any progress on this issue?  I'm now in the same situation as the original poster.  Seems like there should be an easier way to update custom reports to new data.
Esri Regular Contributor
Was there any progress on this issue?  I'm now in the same situation as the original poster.  Seems like there should be an easier way to update custom reports to new data.


I have contacted the Product Engineer to see if we can get someone to chime in on this topic.  With the introduction of fusion reports in Business Analyst, which generally makes it easier to create custom reports, having a new tool or some new functionality to update custom reports would be helpful.

Jason R.
New Contributor

WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN ADDRESSED?! It has been OVER 6 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH so frustrating

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