making individual layers from shape files

08-01-2014 12:13 PM
New Contributor II

Im trying to find the best way to make new layers from these two shape files. My goal is to make a new layer that i can select which company i want to see, and that it will show both rigs and wells that belong to that company. Does anyone have an idea what the best way to do this is? Currently I am changing a lot of symbology things to hide the stuff i don't want which is not efficient really.

This is sort of how i want my layer to turn out


  • company1 (rigs+wells)
  • company2 (rigs+wells)
  • company3  (rigs+wells)
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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

One solution, but probably not the most elegant, would be to merge each company's rigs and wells into one file, then create your symbology and save as a layer file

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New Contributor II

Anyone know of something else, that may get crazy, theres a couple dozen company i want to have the ability to sort through.

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