Lead & Copper Solution - Import

04-18-2024 02:43 PM
New Contributor

Hello all. Looking for a little help on getting started with the Lead & Copper Solution. Deployed the solution now I'm trying to figure out how I get all the data I have already collected into this. I have nearly all the curb stops mapped in ArcGIS Pro(Not in the online solution maps). I would like to use those points for the locations. I also have the DNR spreadsheet nearly complete. I would like to load that excel sheet data & my curb stop points into the solution. I only know the basics of ArcGIS Pro and limited knowledge of the ArcGIS Online so I'm going to need quite a bit of guidance to pull this off. 

The "Service Address" field in my feature class and the "Service Address" in my excel inventory is my matching fields. I assume I need to Join and/or Relate these together first? Then create a "Field Matching Table" to "append" the data into the online solution? I'm not familiar with this and how to do this.  

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1 Reply
New Contributor III

Hello Michael, as someone who has been wrestling with this tool and similar data for the last couple of months, here are some resources to get you started. It might just work for you, or it might not. Mine finally does with lots of help from ESRI tech support but I am still trying to understand how.

These are some of the initial materials shared by ESRI folks:

Start here: https://community.esri.com/t5/water-utilities-videos/using-the-lead-service-line-inventory-solution/...




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