Greetings! I have a customer data file that contains around 723K customer points for 79 stores that I am trying to calculate the drive times for. I have put my customer and store files into the Business Analyst Store and Customer setup. Whenever I try to run desire lines I keep getting this error: "080040 : Error while executing Desire Lines". Anyone know of a solution? I really need to be able to run all the stores and customers at once as doing one store at a time would be cumbersome and too time consuming.
Not surprising that this process would fail based on the size of the inputs and attempting to calculate drive time or drive distance as well as a current open bug in NIM085445 which cause an analysis to fail if a point falls upon a non-traversable network element. However directly using Network Analyst to create an OD Cost Matrix (this is basically what Business Analyst is using) it will bypass NIM085445 as there is actually a check box to simply exclude non-traversable network elements.
From a best practices perspective you will still more than likely need to run much smaller subsets of data.
Jason R.
Hi Jason, thank you for the response, I will OD Cost Matrix a try. Do you know what the maximum amount of data that it can run drive time analysis on?
I thought I would just chime in here and mention that if anyone is encountering this error, it is because I commonly find that there are customer features with a <null> STORE_ID assignment. The tool will error out if it there is not a store assignment for every one of the customer features. In my case, I set these to a non-existent store ID, such as "0" or "99" etc, using a select by attribute and then a field calculator on the selected features.