I�??ve been creating drive time trade areas around sites with the Drive time trade area option. One of the things that I�??ve noticed is that the drive times are created by driving from the site outward, not the reverse of how far someone would drive to get to a site. Generally this works fine but in the case of a divided highway, the polygon that is created by driving in the direction of the road away from the site. I�??ve attached a screen shot showing how the trade areas are generated around a site that lies of the corner of two intersecting roads that are divided roads, except at the intersection of the road.
I�??ve tried doing some things with the Streets Network dataset but it was prebuilt with BA and can�??t be modified. I think what I would like to do is to remove the one-way restriction in the streets network dataset if that is possible because ideally I would like for the drivetime to be created by driving to and away from the site. Any suggestions would be welcomed