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Add new Address Points without creating new Site Address Points

01-28-2021 07:31 AM
Frequent Contributor

I just wanted to share with the community if you are using the ArcGIS Pro based Address Data Management Solution there is a way to add new Address Points without creating new Site Address Points and limit which road types Address Points can be added to. This is a small modification to the attribute rule that Esri provided.

I left the task to add a new address point to still default to one site address point, but now if I change "# of Site Addresses" to zero I can add just an address point to the map and manually assign it to an existing site address point. Many of our site address points were created before we started using the Esri solution so most of our existing site address points do not have an address point associated with them. This change to the attribute rule expression allows us to create address points for existing site address points.

"Create Site Address Point" is the name of the attribute rule that I modified and is stored in the Address Point feature class.


Change the default number of site address points to zero

96: var numpoints = 0;

Add filters to the find intersecting roads process (see lines 107, 108, 111, 112)

105: var intersectGeometry = geom;
106: var intersectingRoads = Intersects(FeatureSetByName($datastore, "RoadCenterline"), intersectGeometry);
107: var intersectingRoadsFilter = Filter(intersectingRoads, "roadclass IN ('Freeway','Highway','Major Arterial','Minor Arterial','Collector','Local')");
108: if (Count(intersectingRoadsFilter) == 0) {
109:    intersectGeometry = Buffer(geom, 5, 'feet');
110:    intersectingRoads = Intersects(FeatureSetByName($datastore, "RoadCenterline"), intersectGeometry);
111:    intersectingRoadsFilter = Filter(intersectingRoads, "roadclass IN ('Freeway','Highway','Major Arterial','Minor Arterial','Collector','Local')");
112:    if (Count(intersectingRoadsFilter) == 0) return {
113:        "errorMessage": "Address Point must intersect at least one Road Centerline"
114:    };

Wrap the original code that creates the site address points in an If-Then statement to run only if numpoints is greater than zero

117: if (numpoints > 0){

Finally add an Else statement at the end of the If-Then to return only the addresspointid if zero site address points are requested

160:} else {
161:    return $feature.addressptid


Here is the complete expression

// This rule will create a new site address point when an address point is created along a road
// The site address point will be offset from the road by the distance and direction defined in the address point feature template

// This function will return the new point offset perpendicularly from a 2-point line segment at a specified distance
// Positive distance is to the left of the line. Negative distance is to the right of the line 

function offsetPoint(firstPoint, secondPoint, fromPoint, dist) {
    var x1 = firstPoint.x;
    var y1 = firstPoint.y;
    var x2 = secondPoint.x;
    var y2 = secondPoint.y;
    var x3 = fromPoint.x;
    var y3 = fromPoint.y;

    var a = y1 - y2;
    var b = x2 - x1;

    var norm = Sqrt(a*a + b*b);
    a = a / norm;
    b = b / norm;

    return [x3 + a * dist, y3 + b * dist]

// This function will return the address number of the new site address point
// It determines this based on the from and to address range on the intersecting road and the direction of the offset
function getAddrNum(road, percentAlong, dir) {
    var addrNum = null;
    var from = road.fromLeft;
    var to = road.toLeft;    
    if (Lower(dir) == 'right') {
        var from = road.fromRight;
        var to = road.toRight;    
    if (from == null || to == null) return null;
    var val = percentAlong * (to - from);
    var addrNum = 0;
    if ((Floor(val) % 2) == 0) addrNum = Floor(val);
    else if ((Ceil(val) % 2) == 0) addrNum = Ceil(val);
    else addrNum = Floor(val) - 1;
    return from + addrNum;

// This function will return the intersected features geometry, the segment intersected and the distance along the line
function IntersectingLineSegmentDistance(sourceGeometry, intersectGeometry, interestedLines){
    // Loop through the intersecting lines and find the segment of the line
    for (var line in interestedLines) {
  var distanceAlongLine = 0;
        // Loop through the segments of the line. Handle multipart geometries
        for (var part in Geometry(line).paths) {
            var segment = Geometry(line).paths[part];

            // Loop through the points in the segment
            for (var i in segment) {
                if (i == 0) continue;

                // Construct a 2-point line segment from the current and previous point
                var firstPoint = segment[i-1];
                var secondPoint = segment[i]
                var twoPointLine = Polyline({ 'paths' : [[[firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y], [secondPoint.x, secondPoint.y]]], 'spatialReference' : firstPoint.spatialReference});

                // Test if the  point intersects the 2-point line segment
                if (Intersects(intersectGeometry, twoPointLine)) {
                    // Construct a 2-point line segment using the previous point and the address point
                    var lastSegment = Polyline({ 'paths' : [[[firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y], [sourceGeometry.x, sourceGeometry.y]]], 'spatialReference' : firstPoint.spatialReference});
                    // Add to the total distance along the line and break the loop
                    distanceAlongLine += Length(lastSegment);
                    return [line, twoPointLine, distanceAlongLine]
                // Add to the toal distance along the line
                distanceAlongLine += Length(twoPointLine);
    return null;

// Get the object id and geometry of the feature
var oid = $feature.OBJECTID;
var id = $feature.addressptid
var geom = Geometry($feature);

// Get the distance and direction defined in the address point feature template/
// If none specified defaults to 0 and Left
var dist = 0;
if ($feature.offdist != null) dist = $feature.offdist;
var dir = 'Left';
if ($feature.offdir != null) dir = $feature.offdir; 
if (Lower(dir) == 'right') dist *= -1

// Get the number of site address points and increment value from the address point feature template
// Defaults to 0 and 0 respectively
// If zero site address points are asked for then do not add any site address points
var numpoints = 0;
if ($feature.numpoints != null) numpoints = $feature.numpoints;
var increment = 0;
if ($feature.incrementval != null) increment = $feature.incrementval;
var captureMethod = $feature.capturemeth;

// Find any intersecting roads with the address point
// If no roads intersect buffer the source point to handle cases where road isn't exactly snapped to line and try again
// If no roads intersect the the buffer return an error message and prevent the address point from being created
var intersectGeometry = geom;
var intersectingRoads = Intersects(FeatureSetByName($datastore, "RoadCenterline"), intersectGeometry);
var intersectingRoadsFilter = Filter(intersectingRoads, "roadclass IN ('Freeway','Highway','Major Arterial','Minor Arterial','Collector','Local')");
if (Count(intersectingRoadsFilter) == 0) {
    intersectGeometry = Buffer(geom, 5, 'feet');
    intersectingRoads = Intersects(FeatureSetByName($datastore, "RoadCenterline"), intersectGeometry);
    intersectingRoadsFilter = Filter(intersectingRoads, "roadclass IN ('Freeway','Highway','Major Arterial','Minor Arterial','Collector','Local')");
    if (Count(intersectingRoadsFilter) == 0) return {
        "errorMessage": "Address Point must intersect at least one Road Centerline"

if (numpoints > 0){
    // If the results are empty return an error message. This will occur if a point is created along a true curve.
    // Prevent the address point from being created.
    var results = IntersectingLineSegmentDistance(geom, intersectGeometry, intersectingRoads)
    if (IsEmpty(results)) return {
        "errorMessage": "Failed to create the Address Point. This can occur when attempting to create an Address Point along a true curve segment. The Densify or Generalize tools can be used to convert the curve segment to a straight line segment."

    var intersectingRoad = results[0];
    var twoPtSegment = results[1];
    var distanceAlongLine = results[2];

    // Construct a new point geometry offset perpendicularly from the road
    var xy = offsetPoint(twoPtSegment.paths[0][0], twoPtSegment.paths[0][1], geom, dist)
    var newPoint = Point({ 'x' : xy[0], 'y' : xy[1], 'z' : 0, 'spatialReference' : geom.spatialReference });

    // Get the new address number of the site address point based on the distance along the road and direction of the offset
    var percentAlong = distanceAlongLine / Length(intersectingRoad);
    var addrnum = getAddrNum(intersectingRoad, percentAlong, dir)

    // Create an array of 1 or more new site address point as specified
    // Store the related address point id, the calculated address number, the intersecting road name and set the status to Pending

    var adds = []
    for(var i=0; i<numpoints; i++) {
    adds[Count(adds)] = {
        'attributes': {
        'addressptid' : id, 'status': 'Pending', addrnum : addrnum, fullname : intersectingRoad.fullname, capturemeth : captureMethod
        'geometry': newPoint
    addrNum += increment;

    // Return the original address point id
    // Using the edit parameter create 1 or more new site address points
    return {
        'result' : id,
        'edit': [{
            'className': 'SiteAddressPoint',
            'adds': adds
} else {
    return $feature.addressptid


"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ Tolkien
2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Just curious, what's the benefit of going back and creating address points for all your pre-existing site addresses?

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Frequent Contributor

I am slowing adding address points for existing site addresses to build "routing locations" as defined by Esri's geocoding service. Our site address points represent the "Address Location" and the address points would represent the "Routing Location". I hope to one day create our own routing service and use these two sets of points to make it easier to see here is the site and here is where you need to drive to to get to the entrance of the site.

"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ Tolkien
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