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Change the shape for simplefillsymbol

07-02-2012 05:55 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor
I have some polygons on my map. While displaying these polygon on my WPF app, I wish to display these polygons in a particular shape.

The shape is as shown. How can I modify the simplefillsymbol to change it to the required shape?
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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor
So when you define your polygon symbology you change the outline symbology, thickness etc. and the fill colour in the code or define it in the map service. Are these polygons a graphics layer or is it referencing actual data?

Not quite sure what that shape is. It looks like three rectangles, would you be able to explain this symbology a little more?
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Occasional Contributor
So when you define your polygon symbology you change the outline symbology, thickness etc. and the fill colour in the code or define it in the map service. Are these polygons a graphics layer or is it referencing actual data?

Not quite sure what that shape is. It looks like three rectangles, would you be able to explain this symbology a little more?

These are graphic layer. the polygon is a rectangle, with 2 lines, extending at 45 degree from the bottom corners.
Actually, I think i can modify the control template, to draw a rectangle, but how about the lines?
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Occasional Contributor
Any update?
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Deactivated User

Please can you clarify the following in more detail. Do you require the green rectangle element specified in your control template to have the geometry of your polygon graphic? In this scenario, if the geometry is different for each polygon where would you like the yellow lines to be positioned? If each polygon geometry always is a rectangle would you require the yellow lines to emerge from the bottom corners of each rectangle?


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Occasional Contributor

Please can you clarify the following in more detail. Do you require the green rectangle element specified in your control template to have the geometry of your polygon graphic? In this scenario, if the geometry is different for each polygon where would you like the yellow lines to be positioned? If each polygon geometry always is a rectangle would you require the yellow lines to emerge from the bottom corners of each rectangle?



The geometry of polygon will always be rectangle. The yellow lines needs to emerge from the bottom corners of rectangle. But the angle of this yellow line with the rectangle should be modifiable at runtime.
Say at the start the angle between the yellow line and rectangle's bottom edge is 45 degrees, at certain event this angle should be able to change to 135 degree
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