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Debugging problem in QT/QML application

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03-25-2015 06:20 AM
Deactivated User

I have Identify application and when I want to test debuging mode in onMousePressed signal in application when I click feature debug mode open and goes to the break points after two seconds or when I click the Step Over button gives exception and open Assembly output.How can I solve this problem?

Here is the code of application below:

// Copyright 2015 ESRI


// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States

// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.


// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or

// without modification, provided you include the original copyright

// notice and use restrictions.


// See the Sample code usage restrictions document for further information.


import QtQuick 2.0

import QtQuick.Controls 1.2

import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2

import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2

import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1

import QtQuick.Window 2.0

import ArcGIS.Extras 1.0

import ArcGIS.Runtime 10.25

import ArcGIS.Runtime.Toolkit.Dialogs 1.0

ApplicationWindow {

    id: appWindow

    width: 800

    height: 600

    title: "IdentfyEditing"

    property int hitFeatureId

    property variant attrValue

    property real scaleFactor: System.displayScaleFactor

    SimpleRenderer {

        id: customRender

        symbol: SimpleMarkerSymbol {

            style: Enums.SimpleMarkerSymbolStyleCircle

            color: "red"

            size: 9



    Envelope {

       id: initialExtent

       xMin: 1930934.6938406308

       yMin: 3850498.260784086

       xMax: 5912392.6567565575

       yMax: 5564737.105928443


    GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable {

        id: featureServiceTable

        url: ""


    Map {

        anchors.fill: parent

        focus: true

        ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer {

            url: ""


//        ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer {

//            url: ""

//        }

        FeatureLayer {


            featureTable: featureServiceTable

            renderer: customRender


        onStatusChanged: {

            if (status === Enums.MapStatusReady)

                extent = initialExtent;


        onMousePressed: {

            var tolerance = Qt.platform.os === "ios" || Qt.platform.os === "android" ? 4 : 1;                //Break Point

            var features = featureLayer.findFeatures(mouse.x, mouse.y, tolerance * scaleFactor, 1)  //Break Point

            for ( var i = 0; i < features.length; i++ ) {

                hitFeatureId = features;


                identifyDialog.title = "Object ID: " + hitFeatureId;

                identifyDialog.visible = true;

                if(Qt.platform.os !== "ios" && Qt.platform.os != "android") {

                    identifyDialog.width = 200 * scaleFactor;

                    identifyDialog.height = 235 * scaleFactor;





    // Dialog for results

    Dialog {

        id: identifyDialog

        title: "Features"

        modality: Qt.ApplicationModal

        visible: false

        contentItem: Rectangle {

            id: dialogRectangle

            color: "lightgrey"

            width : 200 * scaleFactor

            height: 235 *scaleFactor

            Column {

                id: column

                anchors {

                    fill: parent

                    margins: 10 * scaleFactor


                spacing: 5 * scaleFactor

                clip: true

                Repeater {

                    model: fieldsModel

                    clip: true

                    Row {

                        id: row

                        spacing: (80 * scaleFactor)  - nameLabel.width

                        Label {

                            id: nameLabel

                            text: name + ": "

                            color: "black"

                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                            font.pixelSize: 10 * scaleFactor


                        Label {

                            text: value

                            color: "black"

                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

                            font.pixelSize: 10 * scaleFactor





            Button {

                anchors {

                    margins: 10 * scaleFactor

                    bottom: parent.bottom

                    right: parent.right


                text: "Ok"

                style: ButtonStyle {

                    label: Text {

                        text: control.text


                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter



                onClicked: identifyDialog.close();




    ListModel {



    Rectangle {

        id: backgroundRectangle

        anchors {

            fill: backgroundColumn

            margins: -10 * scaleFactor


        color: "lightgrey"

        radius: 5

        border.color: "black"

        opacity: 0.77


    Column {

        id: backgroundColumn

        anchors {


            left: parent.left

            margins: 20 * scaleFactor


        width: 150 * scaleFactor

        spacing: 7 * scaleFactor

        Text {

            id: descriptionText

            text: qsTr( "Red points are stored in the feature service table. Blue points are drawn dynamically. See description for more details.")

            font.pixelSize: 14 * scaleFactor

            width: 150 * scaleFactor

            wrapMode: Text.WordWrap



    Rectangle {

        anchors.fill: parent

        color: "transparent"

        border {

            width: 0.5 * scaleFactor

            color: "black"



    function getFields( featureLayer )


//        fieldsModel.clear();

//        var fieldsCount = featureLayer.featureTable.fields.length;

//        for ( var f = 0; f < fieldsCount; f++ ) {

//            var fieldName =;

//            attrValue = featureLayer.featureTable.feature(hitFeatureId).attributeValue(fieldName);

//            if ( fieldName !== "Shape" ) {

//                var attrString = attrValue.toString();

//                fieldsModel.append({"name": fieldName, "value": attrString});

//            }

//        }


        var fieldsCount = featureLayer.featureTable.fields.length;

        var fieldName = featureLayer.featureTable.fields[3].name;//description

        attrValue= featureLayer.featureTable.feature(hitFeatureId).attributeValue(fieldName);

        var  attrString = attrValue.toString();

        fieldsModel.append({"name": fieldName, "value":attrString });



Here is the assembly output below:


0x7fedd4b20a0                    mov     qword ptr [rsp+20h],r9
0x7fedd4b20a5  <+0x0005>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+18h],r8
0x7fedd4b20aa  <+0x000a>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
0x7fedd4b20af  <+0x000f>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
0x7fedd4b20b4  <+0x0014>         push    rsi
0x7fedd4b20b5  <+0x0015>         push    rdi
0x7fedd4b20b6  <+0x0016>         sub     rsp,88h
0x7fedd4b20bd  <+0x001d>         mov     rax,qword ptr [MSVCR120D!_security_cookie (000007fe`dd5684b0)]
0x7fedd4b20c4  <+0x0024>         xor     rax,rs
0x7fedd4b20c7  <+0x0027>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+70h],rax
0x7fedd4b20cc  <+0x002c>         lea     rdx,[rsp+0A0h]
0x7fedd4b20d4  <+0x0034>         lea     rcx,[rsp+40h]
0x7fedd4b20d9  <+0x0039>         call    MSVCR120D!_dtold (000007fe`dd4b1ef0)
0x7fedd4b20de  <+0x003e>         lea     rax,[rsp+30h]
0x7fedd4b20e3  <+0x0043>         lea     rcx,[rsp+40h]
0x7fedd4b20e8  <+0x0048>         mov     rdi,rax
0x7fedd4b20eb  <+0x004b>         mov     rsi,rcx
0x7fedd4b20ee  <+0x004e>         mov     ecx,0Ah
0x7fedd4b20f3  <+0x0053>         rep movs byte ptr [rdi],byte ptr [rsi]
0x7fedd4b20f5  <+0x0055>         lea     r9,[rsp+50h]
0x7fedd4b20fa  <+0x005a>         xor     r8d,r8d
0x7fedd4b20fd  <+0x005d>         mov     edx,11h
0x7fedd4b2102  <+0x0062>         lea     rcx,[rsp+30h]
0x7fedd4b2107  <+0x0067>         call    MSVCR120D!$I10_OUTPUT (000007fe`dd4b5490)
0x7fedd4b210c  <+0x006c>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h]
0x7fedd4b2114  <+0x0074>         mov     dword ptr [rcx+8],eax
0x7fedd4b2117  <+0x0077>         movsx   eax,byte ptr [rsp+52h]
0x7fedd4b211c  <+0x007c>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h]
0x7fedd4b2124  <+0x0084>         mov     dword ptr [rcx],eax
0x7fedd4b2126  <+0x0086>         movsx   eax,word ptr [rsp+50h]
0x7fedd4b212b  <+0x008b>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h]
0x7fedd4b2133  <+0x0093>         mov     dword ptr [rcx+4],eax
0x7fedd4b2136  <+0x0096>         lea     r8,[rsp+54h]
0x7fedd4b213b  <+0x009b>         mov     rdx,qword ptr [rsp+0B8h]
0x7fedd4b2143  <+0x00a3>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0B0h]
0x7fedd4b214b  <+0x00ab>         call    MSVCR120D!strcpy_s (000007fe`dd3ad280)
0x7fedd4b2150  <+0x00b0>         mov   qword ptr [rsp+28h],0
0x7fedd4b2159  <+0x00b9>         mov     dword ptr [rsp+20h],1Dh
0x7fedd4b2161  <+0x00c1>         lea     r9,[MSVCR120D!`string' (000007fe`dd5359d0)]
0x7fedd4b2168  <+0x00c8>         lea     r8,[MSVCR120D!`string' (000007fe`dd535a20)]
0x7fedd4b216f  <+0x00cf>         lea     rdx,[MSVCR120D!`string' (000007fe`dd535a40)]
0x7fedd4b2176  <+0x00d6>         mov     ecx,eax
0x7fedd4b2178  <+0x00d8>         call    MSVCR120D!invoke_watson_if_error (000007fe`dd3779d0)
0x7fedd4b217d  <+0x00dd>         mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h]
0x7fedd4b2185  <+0x00e5>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+0B0h]
0x7fedd4b218d  <+0x00ed>         mov     qword ptr [rax+10h],rcx
0xfedd4b2191  <+0x00f1>         mov     rax,qword ptr [rsp+0A8h]
0x7fedd4b2199  <+0x00f9>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+70h]
0x7fedd4b219e  <+0x00fe>         xor     rcx,rsp
0x7fedd4b21a1  <+0x0101>         call    MSVCR120D!_security_check_cookie (000007fe`dd492000)
0x7fedd4b21a6  <+0x0106>         add     rsp,88h
0x7fedd4b21ad  <+0x010d>         pop     rdi
0x7fedd4b21ae  <+0x010e>         pop     rsi
0x7fedd4b21af  <+0x010f>         ret
0x7fedd4b21b0                    mov     dword ptr [rsp+10h],edx
0x7fedd4b21b4  <+0x0004>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
0x7fedd4b21b9  <+0x0009>         sub     rsp,28h
0x7fedd4b21bd  <+0x000d>         mov     edx,dword ptr [rsp+38h]
0x7fedd4b21c1  <+0x0011>         mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsp+30h]
0x7fedd4b21c6  <+0x0016>         call    MSVCR120D!strrchr (000007fe`dd3ab060)
0x7fedd4b21cb  <+0x001b>         add     rsp,28h
0x7fedd4b21cf  <+0x001f>         ret
0x7fedd4b21d0                    mov     dword ptr [rsp+20h],r9d
0x7fedd4b21d5  <+0x0005>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+18h],r8
0x7fedd4b21da  <+0x000a>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
0x7fedd4b21df  <+0x000f>         mov     qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx

And here is the excepion below:



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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Frequent Contributor

We have logged an internal issue to make sure we can get this working in a future release. Due to the declarative nature of QML, it can be a bit odd to step through the declarative code, but it should work in the JavaScript functions.

View solution in original post

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor


I have same problem. But nobody haven't replied it yet . Debuging problems are continue where we use code ArcGis.Runtime 10.25 like above.Can we debug in next version of ArcGis Runtime

Thank u

0 Kudos
Esri Frequent Contributor

We have logged an internal issue to make sure we can get this working in a future release. Due to the declarative nature of QML, it can be a bit odd to step through the declarative code, but it should work in the JavaScript functions.

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