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ArcGIS on OS X - Layers with Opacity settings other than 1.0 render layers upside down

05-11-2016 12:52 PM
New Contributor

When I create a dynamic layer in an OS X application using the ArcGIS SDK and I set the opacity on that layer to anything other than 1.0, the layer is rendered completely upside down and, additionally, pans along with the map instead of staying in place.  Here are some screenshots to illustrate the problem I’m seeing:

Here is the MapViewDemo that is included in the ArcGIS for OS X SDK package.  Opacity here is set to 1.0 (completely non-transparent):

Here is the same demo with the opacity slider that is implemented in the application set to something other than 1.0:

And here is a gif I made to demonstrate what the problem is and to additionally show the panning issue, since its a bit hard to explain:

So far I’ve been able to determine that this appears to be device specific, not OS X version specific because the only machine I’ve been able to observe this behavior on is a Mid 2011 Mac Mini running 10.11.3.  I’ve tested on the following devices and not observed this behavior:

Two Mid 2015 Retina Macbook Pros running 10.11.4

Mid 2012 Macbook Pro running 10.11.3

Mid 2010 Macbook Pro running 10.11.4

I have the most recent version of the SDK (10.2.4) on my machines.

Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas as to the cause or ways to fix it?  Any way to detect that this is an issue and disable to user's ability to use opacity controls?  I can provide more information about the machine I'm seeing this behavior on as needed.

Please help!

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