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XCode 4

03-14-2011 02:56 PM
New Contributor III
Has anyone tried using Xcode 4 with the ArcGIS for iOS API?  I am hesitant to update to the newest version. 

Any volunteers?
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
I am using it right now with a couple ESRI projects and seems to work fine. Although xcode 4 does seem to hammer the performance of my machine. Definitely read the xcode docs as its a bit different.
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New Contributor III
Thanks Mark,
I will give it a try this week.  Glad to know that you haven't had any issues other than performance.
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New Contributor
I install the ArcGIS API for iOS in XCode4,  but I can not find ArcGIS Project Templates in XCode4!
Has anyone tried using Xcode 4 with the ArcGIS for iOS API?
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