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Securing embedded vector tile/mobile map package

02-01-2017 01:51 AM
Deactivated User


I'm looking into developing an ArcGIS Runtime App using the iOS SDK. My intention is to embed a vector tile/mobile map package in the app itself. I'm currently considering how best to secure the vector tile package within the device after the application has been installed from the app store though. 

Would anyone be able to give me any pointers?

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1 Reply
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Joseph,

Based on our current API for tpk file, I don't think there is any direct mechanism to secure.

However, you can try to implement some generic iOS SDK method to protecting/encrypt the data on disk:

Strategies for Implementing Specific App Features 

And also, there is a related thread about this tpk prorection top on geonet: 

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