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layer name in legend

11-19-2014 03:26 AM
New Contributor

good Morning

In my app I use the example "Legend Sample". I use a AGSDynamicMapService containing many layers. When I create the legend, in my leganda shows only the details of the layers, but not the name of the individual layers. I would like to know if there is a method that allows me to enter the name of the layers in the Header section TableView. In image, show the legend for a AGSDynamicMapService with three layers. The first two are not themed, the third layer is themed. In the first two layers appears only the image, but not the layer name


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2 Replies
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Luca,

In my view, Runtime iOS SDK is an interface to read the metadata from ArcGIS Server. I don't think the SDK can overwriting the Legend label from, in order to let your first two layers show the label name for the legend. I would suggest to check ArcMap and Right click those layer and choose properties -- symbology and add the label to this legend.

Here I attached a screenshot for you as a reference.

Hope this can help.



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New Contributor

Thanks for the reply. The service ArcGIS Service is not my service, but it is a service created by the region of Sicily. I can not change the original project ArcMap. I found a solution. I load individually FeatureLayer that constitute the AGSDynamicMapServive with this code:

for(int i=0;i<[nome count];i++){

                        NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%i",servizio, i];

                        AGSFeatureLayer *featureLayer = [AGSFeatureLayer featureServiceLayerWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] mode:AGSFeatureLayerModeOnDemand];

                        [self.mapView addMapLayer:featureLayer withName:[nome objectAtIndex:i]];

                        self.legendDataSource = [[LegendDataSource alloc] initWithLayerTree:[[AGSMapContentsTree alloc]initWithMapView:self.mapView manageLayerVisibility:YES]];

                        NSLog(@"%@", url);


where nome in Array of featureLayer of AGSDynamicMapService

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