I generated a RuntimeContent in ArcMap but without a basemap, now when I try to show this content in iOS (esri iOS runtime SDK) my map stands gray. When I put some basemap, the map appears correctly... Has some rules about every map contain a basemap?
Thx in advance.
Can you elaborate on how you are adding the content onto your app and what is the end goal?
Exactly like Create an offline map—ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS | ArcGIS for Developers but without a basemap.
I understand you want to display runtime content created from ArcMap. You've already created that which is good.
Can you clarify which of the following describes your need?
If you don't add any base map to the map, you would just see the gray background. That is expected.
Please elaborate on your requirements, that would help us point you the right way.
I don't want any base map! Just runtime content, but the map doesn't appear without a basemap (all gray).
Ok, You're able to see the features from your runtime content only if you add a base map. Otherwise, you see nothing. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If this is the case, can you share the following information?
To answer your question, yes you should be able to show a .geodatabase file created from Runtime Content without a basemap.
Can you also share the code you used to display the content?
NSError *error;
NSString *pathGDBString = [self.map getGeodatabasePath];
//NSString *pathGDBString = @"/Users/isg/Downloads/MapaVixWebMercLoc/data/arcsde_data.geodatabase";
AGSGDBGeodatabase *gdb = [[AGSGDBGeodatabase alloc] initWithPath:pathGDBString error:&error];
//inverto os layers para inserir na ordem correta
NSArray *arrLayers = [[gdb.featureTables reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
for (AGSFeatureTable* fTable in arrLayers) {
if ([fTable hasGeometry]) {
[self.mapView addMapLayer:[[AGSFeatureTableLayer alloc]initWithFeatureTable:fTable]];
Your code looks ok to me.
Can you share the following information?
AGSGDBGeodatabase *gdb = [[AGSGDBGeodatabase alloc] initWithPath:pathGDBStringerror:&error];
AGSGDBGeodatabase *gdb = [[AGSGDBGeodatabase alloc] initWithPath:pathGDBStringerror:&error];