Is the SDK compatible for iOS 10 / Swift 3?
I was able to install with cocoapods and build without getting any errors, even put in a sample map. However, there are no release notes and the last official update was recorded August 2015. Can anyone provide more detail?
I also noticed that the AGSTiledMapServiceLayer was using the URL struct that was introduced in iOS 10. This lead me to believe that the SDK is compatible but have not found any official documentation.
//Add a basemap tiled layer
let url = NSURL(string: "http://sampleMapServer")
let tiledLayer = AGSTiledMapServiceLayer(URL: url)
self.mapView.addMapLayer(tiledLayer, withName: "Basemap Tiled Layer")
Yes, 10.2.5 is compatible and works great with iOS 10. We will be updating the system requirements shortly to reflect this.
As for Swift 3, yes, you should be able to use the SDK in swift 3. Note that the API is developed in objective-c, but thanks to the interoperability between objective-c and swift provided by Apple, it can be consumed in Swift code.