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Hints for [AGSLayer dealloc] crash

10-02-2014 03:17 PM
Occasional Contributor


On the device (iOS7/8, using ARC), I'm getting the following crash. Do you have any ideas what could cause this?

Thank you.


Thread : Crashed:

0  libobjc.A.dylib                0x30ea850e weak_clear_no_lock + 69

1  ???                            0x0000001c

2  libobjc.A.dylib                0x30ea8de5 objc_object::sidetable_clearDeallocating() + 104

3  libobjc.A.dylib                0x30e97607 objc_destructInstance + 50

4  libobjc.A.dylib                0x30e9761b object_dispose + 14

5  MyiPad App                     0x003a0737 -[AGSLayer dealloc]

6  MyiPad App                     0x00410193 -[AGSTiledServiceLayer dealloc]

7  MyiPad App                     0x0040e5ad -[AGSTiledMapServiceLayer dealloc]

8  libobjc.A.dylib                0x30ea8d5f objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 166

9  Foundation                     0x240df94b __delayedPerformCleanup + 34

10 CoreFoundation                 0x232f585d CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate + 456

11 CoreFoundation                 0x233a0065 __CFRunLoopTimerDeallocate + 20

12 CoreFoundation                 0x232e2203 CFRelease + 494

13 CoreFoundation                 0x233a1dfb ____CFRunLoopDeallocateTimers_block_invoke + 170

14 CoreFoundation                 0x232ecd01 __CFSetApplyFunction_block_invoke + 12

15 CoreFoundation                 0x232ecb60 CFBasicHashApply + 120

16 CoreFoundation                 0x232ecaaf CFSetApplyFunction + 162

17 CoreFoundation                 0x233a186d __CFRunLoopDeallocate + 172

18 CoreFoundation                 0x232e2203 CFRelease + 494

19 CFNetwork                      0x22e4f1cf ___ZN20ClassicURLConnection6cancelEv_block_invoke_3 + 46

20 CFNetwork                      0x22e4e9b9 ___ZN25URLConnectionInstanceData15invalidateAsyncEP16dispatch_queue_sU13block_pointerFvvE_block_invoke_2 + 12

21 libdispatch.dylib              0x313ee8cb _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 10

22 libdispatch.dylib              0x313f7da3 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 834

23 libdispatch.dylib              0x313f8cd7 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 94

24 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x3154fe31 _pthread_wqthread + 668

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Marius Ursache‌,

Can you share what you are trying to do and when is the crash happening?

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Gagandeep Singh,

Our application is using ESRI maps (user defined or ESRI provided maps), on top of which, using a couple of graphics layers, we're overlaying fire incident specific graphics.

There are a log of moving parts (synchronising the user maps, placing other graphics on other maps, changing/loading layers, etc). I don't steps to reproduce yet, that's why I'm asking for any hints.

This crash message was reported to Crashlytics several times. This is how I was made aware of it.

Thank you,

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Esri Regular Contributor

Can you try upgrading to 10.2.4? We changed the way we deal with weak references slightly, and I'm optimistic that it will resolve this problem.

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