Complete Offline Application ?

12-04-2011 11:49 PM
New Contributor
I am working on an ipad app which should download all data first using internet and then store it in local database. And then application should be accessible in offline mode.

Feature includes:

1. Maps And Layers
2. Should be able to draw graphics like polygons,
3. Optional Features: GIS Tasks like query, search and identify of features.

Can you please tell me whether above features are feasible in offline mode ?

Please provide some references or detail if it is possible ?
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

You should look at Online-Offline Editing Sample. This is answer to your #1 and #2 points.

#3 All Tasks (Query, Search etc.) are not designed to work in offline mode. Hence, it's not possible at this time.

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New Contributor II
I'm working on an iPad project with similar needs - the primary use case is offline access to GIS data in remote areas.  We've been working with Local Tiled Layers, similar to the Online-Offline sample, but require more sophisticated query and attachment info capability to surface data for map features.  Are there any plans to include these sort of capabilities in the mobile runtime for iOS offline mode?  Are there any recommended/suggested work-arounds for offline access to this information in the short term?

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