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ArcGIS iOS app crashing when panning map

01-08-2015 11:38 AM
New Contributor III

Here is a picture of the stack track.

Any ideas what could cause this?  It happens every other time I load the app.Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 11.37.51 AM.png

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2 Replies
New Contributor III

If I install the app on the phone, instead of running it through xCode it doesnt crash.  Must be an xcode problem.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Kyle,

It could be an Xcode simulator only issue. I would be curious to know the versions of:

Mac OS X



If you are interested in further troubleshooting, you could debug the web traffic when running the simulator, and see if any of the requests throw an error. You can do this with Fiddler running on a PC, or with Charles, which can run on a Mac.

Here are some resources:

Smart debugging for Android and iOS applications

Debugging with Fiddler for Android and iOS applications | Support Services Blog

Capture Traffic from iOS Device

Hope this helps!


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