I've come back to this question again after a while. Still couldn't figure out how to set the correct path for an image (Logo.png - resource in local bundle) to be displayed in a popup. The code below doesn't work - keep showing "No image to display".
AGSPopupInfo *info = [AGSPopupInfo popupInfoForGraphic:graphic];
NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Logo" withExtension:@"png"];
NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:url.path, @"sourceURL", nil];
AGSPopupMediaInfo *mediaInfo = [AGSPopupMediaInfo popupMediaInfoWithTitle:@"Title" caption:@"Caption" type:AGSPopupMediaInfoTypeImage value:dict];
info.mediaInfos = [NSArray arrayWithObject:mediaInfo];
self.popupVC = [[AGSPopupsContainerViewController alloc] initWithPopupInfo:info graphic:graphic usingNavigationControllerStack:NO];
Ong CF
The Popup expects the sourceURL to be an http based URL. Something like http://www.<some.domain>.com/logo.png
Thanks for your reply. In that case, I'll create my own popup to show the local image.
Ong CF