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Use webfiledlayer to load TIF graphics on the network. The requested resource needs to transmit other parameters such as token; Now how do I view the

01-13-2022 07:18 AM
New Contributor

ArcGIS Android SDK I use; Use webfiledlayer to load TIF graphics on the network. The requested resource needs to transmit other parameters such as token; Now how do I view the HTTP request sending and reply logs? For example, error code 401 or 200, I need to get more log information. The ArcGIS IOS SDK can print logs, but how does the ArcGIS Android SDK print logs? Now, the TIF cannot be loaded successfully and there is no prompt. Where can I track problems? Please help me.

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor


Unfortunately the current Runtime Android SDK does not have the same network logging capabilities as iOS SDK, however you can use Charles or Fiddler to track the network traffic.

To check whether the layer has loaded or not, you can check the LOADSTATUS and LOADERROR (if loadstatus is FAILED_TO_LOAD). From LOADERROR, you can get the exception details.


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