I am a beginner in ArcGIS and I was following [HTML]http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/android-sdk/concepts/index.html#//01190000003s000000[/HTML] tutorial. I am trying to find a route between two points. I created a sample application, in which first, i get the two points on map single tap as follows@Override
public boolean onSingleTap(final MotionEvent e)
Point point = map.toMapPoint(new Point(e.getX(), e.getY()));
if (points.size() == 2)
new FindRouteTask().execute();
return true;
and my FindRouteTask is as followsprivate class FindRouteTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, RoutingResult>
ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(FindeRouteActivity.this);
RoutingResult mResults;
protected void onPreExecute()
dialog.setMessage("Finding routes...");
protected RoutingResult doInBackground(Void... params)
RoutingParameters routeParams = new RoutingParameters();
String routeTaskURL = "http://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/NetworkAnalysis/ESRI_Route_NA/NAServer/Route";
RoutingTask routeTask = new RoutingTask(routeTaskURL, null);
NAFeaturesAsFeature naFeatures = new NAFeaturesAsFeature();
// Create the stop points from point geometry
StopGraphic startPnt = new StopGraphic(points.get(0));
StopGraphic endPnt = new StopGraphic(points.get(1));
// set features on routing feature class
naFeatures.setFeatures(new Graphic[] { startPnt, endPnt });
// set stops on routing feature class
mResults = routeTask.solve(routeParams);
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
return mResults;
protected void onPostExecute(RoutingResult result)
if (result == null || !result.getRoutes().isEmpty())
Toast.makeText(FindeRouteActivity.this, "There was some problem in fetching the routes. Please try again!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else
But the problem is that routeTask.solve(routeParams) always throws a exceptionFailed to convert the input propertyset into a recordset to load into the NAClass "Stops". The coordinates or measures are out of bounds.Could anyone please tell me what am I doing wrong and what the problem is??-Thanks in advance