when trying to run the Sketch Editor sample from Android Studio 3.6.3, Windows 10, Runtime SDK 100.7, with an emulated device (e.g. Pixel C or Nexus 5X, API 29), I can successfully create points and multipoints on the map. But when I try to set the second vertex of a polyline or polygon, the app crashes with the following exception:
com.esri.arcgisruntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: Internal error exception: GL Uniform not found: ubo_ps.u_tex_size at com.esri.arcgisruntime.internal.jni.CoreGeoView.nativeDraw(Native Method) at com.esri.arcgisruntime.internal.jni.CoreGeoView.a(SourceFile:346) at com.esri.arcgisruntime.internal.h.b.o.a(SourceFile:132) at com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.MapView.onDrawFrame(SourceFile:156) at com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.GeoView$b.onDrawFrame(SourceFile:1363) at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(GLSurfaceView.java:1573) at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run(GLSurfaceView.java:1272)
The sample works great on a real device. Is this a known limit of the emulator, or does somebody know how to fix this?
Thanks Fridjof
Is there any solution for the issue? It seems to be related to the Graphics card.
I had the same issue. When creating the Android Virtual Device, I changed the "Graphics" option to Software, which resolved the issue. Think link below gives more details.