Hi,I am just starting to explore ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android (10.1.1) so please excuse me if i'm missing something really basic.I am trying to display a layer from a WMS server. I find that if I have no credentials specified I quiet rightly receive an EsriSecurityException telling me "Invalid or missing user credentials".Next I see that Layer has a credentials field with getCredentials, and setCredentials listed as inherited methods. However when I attempt to call setCredentials on my WMSLayer I am informed that setCredentials is not visible!?!What is the established technique for setting WMS credentials?For what its worth a code snippet follows.ThanksKelly mMapView = (MapView)findViewById(R.id.map); String url = "https://www.sample.com//wms?"; WMSLayer wmsLayer = new WMSLayer(url); UserCredentials credentials = new UserCredentials(); credentials.setUserAccount("username", "password"); wmsLayer.setCredentials(credentials); // method not visible String [] layerNames = {"LAYER-001"}; wmsLayer.setVisibleLayer(layerNames); mMapView.addLayer(wmsLayer);